Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday, August 16

School today took a little longer than usually. Each girl completed all of their assignments but we added in science and social studies for E. I am trying out a new online program called Time4Learning. It has lesson plans and some supplemental work for math and language arts along with a core curriculum for science and social studies. E seemed to like it today because she could do it independently and it was on the computer!!

P has decided that handwriting is her favorite thing. I am having to intersperse it with her core subjects to keep her motivated. She learned how to add her 9 facts today by taking one from the units and making 10. She felt smart once she grasped the concept. We are going to do a few more days of this before moving on. She also learned her new spelling list for this week and only missed 3 words. Very proud! I set up a list for her on so she enjoyed working on the computer also.

G is enjoying writing and also playing on Starfall .

I have changed some stuff up for tomorrow to see how the schedule flows. We will see....

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