Thursday, August 11, 2011

August 11, 2011

Today school went well. We tried to finish stuff up for the week since we have our Nature Study Co-Op tomorrow.

P: Worked on her math of adding 0, adding 1 and solving for the unknown. She used her blocks some today but seemed to start grasping the concept pretty well. She also is working on the definition of a noun but concentrating on the person part. Her spelling is something she is getting really good at and that is helping her reading come along pretty well. Her handwriting is getting better everyday. Just have to get her to quit holding her pencil so tight. I think her favorite part is when she gets to journal and getting to draw her picture. :)

E: worked really hard on her math and did much better today. She also worked on her cursive, learning the lowercase letters i and t and connecting them.

The poem she started working on for memorization is "The Goops" by Gelette Burgess; Which she got a kick out of this considering her Nana Reed has been teaching her about the goops for years!!!
We also continued working on common nouns and proper nouns and the definition of each.

G: She is reading more and more 3 letter words. Her handwriting is improving also. She enjoys her dry erase book a lot. She worked on the number 4 today. Writing the number, the word and coloring groups of 4.

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