Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mondays are always hard to get moving. I think I am organized but it never fails that I forgot to get something prepared for the day. I keep thinking the next day is when it is all going to come together and not be so chaotic. But, it's not. I know that eventually I will have a better system, but right now it is just trying to make sure all is done.

The girls don't seem to be phased by it. We do their work and they help each other when needed. Then they carry on with their day. I, however, am feeling like a chicken with my head cut off :) Going from subject to subject and child to child. By the grace of God, I know it will all be okay.

So, all that to say, we got school done today. We did some in my cardiologist's waiting room. Then we came home and finished the rest up.

P's handwriting is getting so pretty. She is taking her time now and not trying to just finish. She is doing copy work for her writing lesson. Today she wrote her Bible verse that she is working on memorizing. I do not correct words that she misspelled yet. That will come later on. Here is her writing from today:

We have started learning about our state. Today we colored pictures of our flag and traced the outline of Alabama. We talked about the yellowhammer and camellia also.

We also started learning our state song. The girls were laughing at all of the words that they didn't understand (thee, groweth, aye, to name a few). We have our Learn About Alabama kickoff study with our cover school on August 26. If they can sing the first verse of the song, they get a special prize. Well that was all the motivation they needed!!!

E is getting better and better with math. Hoping to get started on her new math sheets by the end of the week. I am going to need to spend some more time with P to make sure she is grasping the concepts a little better before we move on. Might start doing more online games to make it more fun for her.

E's cursive is getting so pretty. She has did e and l today along with linking those letters to ones she has already learned. E is flying through her spelling so I am thinking I'm gonna have to look for some harder curriculum for her. That is a good thing though!! The curriculum Payton is doing is right on her level so all is good there.

All in all, today was a good day. Nehemiah 8:10, the joy of the Lord is your strength. Such a great thing to remember!!! He is my strength and I can do all things through Him!!

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