Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nature Study Trail (#1) - August 12, 2011

We had our first Nature trail study today with Ms. Cathy (who was amazing). The girls had such a great time with the other girls in the group.

One family is a former teammate of E's from the gym.

We went to Inverness Park Trails off Hwy 280. The girls were able to walk along the trail searching for anything that they thought was of interest. We sang "My Father's World" hymn before we began and talked about our 5 senses and how to use them. Each child found things and asked questions along with writing down the things they saw in a journal.

At the end of the walk, each child had to sit down and think about their favorite thing they saw on the trail. Then they took their sheet of paper and wrote about their picture. Each one was so excited about what they had drawn. We learned about spores, ivy, bark, larvae, grubs, leaves, nuts, berries and so much more. Our favorite gift from God on our trail was a praying mantis. It was so neat to be able to study him up close. We were able to sit down at the end and Ms. Cathy read information about him to us. A lot of information but such a fun way to learn it :)

P picked up a hickory nut. She drew the nut along with the muddy trail, berries, wild flowers and the muddy trail. She was so observant!!

E drew the tree that the we saw the praying mantis on. Along with a wild flower on the tree. She loves drawing and writing so this activity was perfect for her!

G drew a tree and some bugs, one being a ladybug. She had so much fun and hung in there the entire time. So creative!

Here is what we learned about the praying mantis:
  • Name: stagomanted
  • their long legs are always bent into the praying position
  • the head turns in all directions
  • orginated in Europe
  • Young mantis is seen May - August (they are green)
  • Adult mantis is seen Sept - October (they are brown)

They each have assignment before our next meeting. They are to go in their own yard and find something to bring to show and tell that is interesting to them. E, P and G are already talking about what they want to bring.

Thank you Lord for such a sweet day with my girls. Learning about your creation while being out enjoying it is a great gift from you.

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