Thursday, January 30, 2014

Monday - Friday, January 27-31, 2014 - day 111

Reviewed week 15 and got ready for week 16 of CC.  Girls did math, reading, handwriting, Bible, English / Phonics.
We also had our first winter storm of 2014!! Girls were able to play in the snow and have a lot of fun sledding.  We had to end CC early but were able to review the new information.  E is having to start working on her paper and Faces of History paper also.  Worked on EEL task sheets and charts.

Week 16
Timeline: Age of Industry, James Cook sails to Australia and Antarctica, American Revolution and Gen. George Washington, Madison's Constitution and the Bill of  Rights, French Revolution, Second Great Awakening, Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Expedition

History: World War II began in 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland.  Two engagements that helped the US win the Pacific front were the Battle of Midway and dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

Geography: Balkins: Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia (former)

Science: Physics: What is Newton's first law of motion? An object at rest tends to remain at rest and an object in motion tends to continue moving in a straight line at constant speed, unless an outside force acts upon it.

Math: Geometry: Area of rectangle is area=length x width

Latin: 1st conjugation endings imperfect tense

English: Verb: a verb is a word that asserts an action, shows a state of being, links two words together or helps another verb.

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