Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nature Study Walk #2

Today was our second nature study walk.  We had such a great time.  Mrs. Cathy taught about habitats and what that meant for each time of animal. The girls sat down and wrote some in their journal and drew a tree with a Carolina Sawyer (a type of insect) we first saw when we got to the park. She was able to catch it and put it in a container for the girls to get a good look at it and then release it back to its home.

After our walk we were able to get some water samples from the creek.  The girls were able to look in a microscope for the first time and see the organisms that were in the water.  E's face says it all in the picture. Her comment was "that is what is actually in that water we were in?".  Too funny!!

P did really well looking into it too.  Needed some help finding the little specs in the glass but she got the hang of it and really enjoyed looking at all the sample slides. She was able to see a feather up close along with some apple skin.
The girls walking in the water observing all the minnows and algae.

G and P walking in water
This is our whole group looking over the bridge at the fish swimming.  We had 3 kids that were not here today.

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