Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Finally Friday!!!!

We worked on our memory passage some more today.  E is able to do completely with no help. P is only needing a little help.  G is doing pretty good too!!

Science together also.  We worked on the word "matter" and the different states of matter.  Solid, liquid and gas.  We will do small experiment with water later for them to see the different states.

Language Lessons - painting narration - The Black Arrow


  • Math - solving for unknown lesson #3
  • Phonics - combination IR
  • Handwriting - first part of verse along with working on her B and D lowercase along with the difference
  • Reading eggs - next lesson #84


  • Math - multiplying 10 again
  • Grammar - capitalization along with writing correct sentences
  • Online - LA Extensions (earthworms), LA (antonyms), Science (things in the ocean), Social Studies (viking age)


  • wrote in her learning book again today with her letters and numbers.  Also did reading eggs lesson #9

Trying to get to library today.... wish us luck!!!

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