Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This week is kind of a light week in school.  Due to us leaving for Houston, this is a mini break for us.


  • Phonics - combination ar, part 1
  • Math - still working on unknown solving
  • Language Arts - picture narration
  • Spelling - filling in missing letters on worksheet
  • Bible - reading Galatians 5


  • Grammar - simple sentence recognition
  • Math - started multiplying 5
  • Handwriting - capital A and C in cursive
  • Bible - Galatians 5
  • Time for Learning 
  •      Science - different animal environments
  •      LA ext - next lesson on nutrition
  •      LA - Antonyms

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Went good for a Monday thankfully!!!

P started early while sis got a little sleep this a.m. One on one time with P went well and she had a good day.
  • Handwriting - second part of Eph 5:16
  • Spelling - worked on rhyming words and filling in blanks in sentences
  • Phonics - combination QU
  • Math - worked +0, +1, +2, and solving for unknown - good job today :)
  • Language Lessons - common nouns - things
  • Reading Eggs - next lesson on map 9
  • Science - living vs. nonliving things
  • Bible - working on Galatians 5 along with I John 4:19 , how God loves us

G workbook pages
same vs different
red and yellow make orange coloring pages

E good day for her also
  • Handwriting - cursive uppercase for E and W
  • Bible - Galatians 5
  • Math - test on multiplying 10, only missed 1 because of confusing wording on word problem for her
  • Grammar - Proper noun recognition still along with identifying which type it is
  • Language Lessons - Contractions and review of helping verbs
  • Spelling words - new list
  • Time4learning lessons:
  •                Science - more living vs. nonliving
  •                LA extensions - nutrition
  •                LA - Antonyms
  •                Social Studies - more on vikings

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Finally Friday!!!!

We worked on our memory passage some more today.  E is able to do completely with no help. P is only needing a little help.  G is doing pretty good too!!

Science together also.  We worked on the word "matter" and the different states of matter.  Solid, liquid and gas.  We will do small experiment with water later for them to see the different states.

Language Lessons - painting narration - The Black Arrow


  • Math - solving for unknown lesson #3
  • Phonics - combination IR
  • Handwriting - first part of verse along with working on her B and D lowercase along with the difference
  • Reading eggs - next lesson #84


  • Math - multiplying 10 again
  • Grammar - capitalization along with writing correct sentences
  • Online - LA Extensions (earthworms), LA (antonyms), Science (things in the ocean), Social Studies (viking age)


  • wrote in her learning book again today with her letters and numbers.  Also did reading eggs lesson #9

Trying to get to library today.... wish us luck!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Today was a pretty rough day.  We are learning about Galatians 5:16-... and I think Satan was not happy with us.  The girls did their math and handwriting and grammar.  Each one worked on their new spelling words also.  P did her reading eggs.  E did her science and social studies, LA and LA extensions.
We worked a lot on Bible and our memory passage for this month.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Concentrated on reading today and comprehending what we are reading.  We went over all words that were not understood in their books.  P ready Fancy Nancy, A Boy from Paris.  E is almost done with her 3rd Shannon the Ocean Fairy Book.  Proud of their effort today!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Alabama study is picking back up.  Both girls are learning about the rivers in our state and how to label and recognize them on a map.

E -
Cursive - learned the letters f and h
Grammar - identifying common nouns and proper nouns in sentences
Math - multiplying 10
LA lessons - review nouns and verbs and their meanings in sentences
Social Studies - national identity, patriotic expressions
Science - objects in the sky lesson
LA Extensions - use of reference books lesson
LA - practice of synonyms

P -
Reading eggs
LA lessons - next map #9
Math - next lesson of solving for unknown

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

E - she did all her online studies and reading.
  • Science - Quiz on moon and earth lesson - took twice.  First time got a B and second time got all of them right.  She had some confusion on they way things were worded.  I wanted to be sure she understood what she was learning.
  • Social Studies - learned about cultural holidays of Cinco de Mayo and the Chinese New Year and took a quiz on that also.  Only missed 1
  • LA Extensions - Worked on prefixes and understanding their meanings along with reading cues
  • Vocabulary - synonyms

P - reading eggs last lesson and her quiz - finished quiz in the given amount of time and scored 100 on it!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Today was mainly review.  P did another math sheet and all of her online work.  E did her review sheets along with her online work also.  Science, Social Studies, LA extensions, LA and Math were all covered.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011


  • Math -  went well again.  We did adding 0, 1 and 2
  • Spelling - got all spelling words right
  • Handwriting - practiced some more lower case letters for neatness
  • Reading - read The Fit-It Kid (Leap frog book)
  • Phonics - diagraph CH
  • Reading Eggs - next lesson

E -

  • Math - got all right on multiplying 2 still
  • Spelling - worked on putting spelling words in correct order in sentences
  • Grammar - wrote sentences using common nouns
  • Language Arts - using commas in a series
  • Cursive - review of several lower case letters
  • Science, Social Studies, LA extensions - time4learning lessons
  • Reading - 30 mins

G -

  • worked on patterns and completing them

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nature Study Walk #2

Today was our second nature study walk.  We had such a great time.  Mrs. Cathy taught about habitats and what that meant for each time of animal. The girls sat down and wrote some in their journal and drew a tree with a Carolina Sawyer (a type of insect) we first saw when we got to the park. She was able to catch it and put it in a container for the girls to get a good look at it and then release it back to its home.

After our walk we were able to get some water samples from the creek.  The girls were able to look in a microscope for the first time and see the organisms that were in the water.  E's face says it all in the picture. Her comment was "that is what is actually in that water we were in?".  Too funny!!

P did really well looking into it too.  Needed some help finding the little specs in the glass but she got the hang of it and really enjoyed looking at all the sample slides. She was able to see a feather up close along with some apple skin.
The girls walking in the water observing all the minnows and algae.

G and P walking in water
This is our whole group looking over the bridge at the fish swimming.  We had 3 kids that were not here today.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

In spite of having to do it in the afternoon instead of morning, it went pretty well.

P -

  • Reading - finished her Frog and Toad book (so proud)
  • Reading eggs - next lesson #78
  • Math - did another sheet of adding 2 and only missed 1 and without tears!! (victory)
  • Spelling - next worksheet correcting spelling words in sentences

E -

  • Math - worksheet 4B on multiplying by 2
  • Grammar - sentences using common nouns
  • (next 4 things done on computer with time4learning)
  • Science - next lesson on magnets
  • Social Studies - went over learning about Presidents again and national holidays (missed 4 on quiz - will redo)
  • Language Arts - another lesson on worms (short story)
  • Math - writing out numbers with words (got all right on quiz)
  • Reading Comprehension - read Ducky and took quiz on it (missed 1)

Monday, September 12, 2011

After an emotional weekend reliving the September 11, 2011 attacks and explaining it all to the girls, we finally got school done. It was all in all a good Monday considering that is usually our worst day.

E and P together

  • Bible - learned about Joash and how God cares for us.  Also started working on Ephesians 5 and memorizing it
  • Handwriting - worked on new verse with the fruit of the Spirit

P -

  • Math - adding 2
  • Phonics - diagraph sh
  • Reading - started her new Toad and Frog book
  • Reading Eggs - next lesson online

E -

  • Math - multiplying by 2
  • Grammar - working on common nouns in sentences
  • Reading - still reading her fairy princess book
  • Science - learning about magnets
  • Social Studies - learning about national holidays and monuments and presidents
  • Language Arts - learning about worms

G -

  • worked on her number 10 and writing her lowercase a and b

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Started school earlier today so we could enjoy the remainder of the day outside and playing.

Bible together today. We acted out Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.  So much fun to act it out and explain it while we were doing it.  P was Shadrach, G was Meshach and E was Abednego.  We had a duck as our idol, a red blanket as our fire and ribbon as our binding for tying up.  I think they get the story now out of Daniel 1 and 3.

P -

  • Language Lessons - proper names (middle names)
  • Math - lesson 3, working on identifying the number with the correct color block
  • Spelling - bingo for her spelling words
  • Journal - writing and drawing

E -

  • Language Lessons - poem "The Year" still
  • Math - test #3 - got all right!!
  • Handwriting - s and r in cursive
  • Grammar - exclamations and commands again. Had to write a story using her own sentences
  • Spelling city
  • Time for learning - reading and social studies

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Got school done today in the midst of some chaos.  The great thing about being able to homeschool is that it can happen anywhere, praise the Lord!!!

P - Got hers done while at the gym and E was practicing

  • Handwriting
  • Phonics - diagraph TH
  • Spelling - working on words from previous list
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 74
  • Language lessons - Proper names (last names)

E -

  • Handwriting - cursive i and l
  • Grammar - exclamations and commands
  • Language Lessons - starting new poem "The Year"
  • Math - skip counting 5, 2 and 10 for multiplication purposes
  • Time for Learning - science (bees) and fluency reading

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Off to a slow start today.  We finally got moving and things went pretty smoothly.

P -
Handwriting - verse Romans 15:13
Phonics - diagraph ck
Spelling worksheet and grammar worksheet
Math - finally got new math and working on beginning skills again
Bible - God cared for his children in the Bible - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Language Lessons - Read the Lion and the Mouse aloud while she had to answer questions
Reading Eggs - next lesson

E -
Math - lesson 2 Test
Handwriting - verse Romans 15:13
cursive - review of letters so far
Grammar - working on exclamation and command sentences
Language Arts - Linking verbs
Spelling - worksheet and online
Time for learning for Science and Social studies

G -
Number 10 - writing number word and number

Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011

Well another week has come to a close and we had another good day.

P -

  • Spelling test - only missed one
  • Phonics - worked on learning vccv pattern and separating syllables
  • Math - she did 3 online drills for adding 0, 1 and 2 (she had fun doing on computer instead of paper)
  • Journal - wrote about her week
  • Reading Eggs - completed her next lesson online

E -

  • Handwriting - n and m in cursive along with some review
  • Bible - working on memorizing Psalm 139:14
  • Grammar - wrote question sentences with her on subjects
  • Math - did 2 more sheets on multiplying 0 and 1
  • Science, Social Studies, Language Arts and Language Art extensions - all done on time4learning (no quizzes today)

G -

  • worked on coloring inside the lines and looking over some sight words
  • Also did reading eggs and completed her next lesson

Off for a long weekend for Labor Day!!! See ya Tuesday!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Another productive day at the Reed school :)

We got through grammar, phonics, math, poetry, language arts, science, Bible, spelling, social studies and handwriting!! So proud of the girls for their hard work. We have completed 16 days of school already. So hard to believe.

For part of their Bible and spelling the girls had to write a thank you note to God. Learning where to put their address and how to start a thank you note correctly. See the pictures below to see what they wrote. Too precious!