Thursday, September 4, 2014

August 25-29, 2014

Girls are doing great as we move along in our school year.

Learned week 3 of CC:
History: Tell me about the Boston Tea Party.  In 1773, colonists dressed as Mohawks, dumped tea from the British East India Company into the Boston Harbor.

A PAST PARTICIPLE is a verb plus "ed" used as an adjective or a verb

5s and 6s

Through Israels United Kingdom

hic, hoc - this
ipso, ipsum - him
cui - whose
quod - that
eam - it
illum - him

What are 3 kinds of muscle? skeletal, smooth, cardiac

Annapolis, MD
Richmond, VA
Charleston, WV
Raleigh, NC
Columbia, SC

Girls are continuing working on Math and xtra math online.  Reading Childrens Story Book Bible.  Handwriting.  English and EEL and IEW. P wrote her first paper on Christopher Columbus and so did E.  They both did great!!

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