Monday, July 29, 2013

New School Year 2013-2014 - July 29, 2013 - Day 1

Wow! This summer has flown by.  So much has been going on and we haven't done much school at all.  It was good for the break bu we are looking forward to school schedule starting back. This year we are changing some things up.  We have joined Classical Conversations ( and are very excited about it! The girls are starting 4th, 3rd and 1st grade and it will be great to all be on the same page.

Each week we will go to the classical conversations meeting on Tuesday.  The girls will learn their weekly work.  We will then come home and review this work daily along with expanding on the things that need expanded.

We started today on this memory work along with Math, English and Reading. The girls were excited; I hope they stay that way.

Classical conversations covers the following subjects: Latin, Math, Geography, History, Science, and English.  The afternoon class that E will be in, will cover writing and English Grammar.  I will be doing English grammar and writing with P and Phonics with G.

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