Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29, 2011

Cold and wet today!!! We have our warm jammies on and our heater at our feet.

School started today going over what it means to give and serve to others. What Christmas is actually about and how we can serve others.  We baked cookies and decorated them and have them ready to go and make peoples days brighter!!! The girls are excited and trying to think of all the people they can give them to.

We got Bible, handwriting, Math and Language Lessons done along with all our reading and online work :) Go girls!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving has come and gone and we had a wonderful holiday in Selma with the family.  It was nice to have a break but today was hard getting back in the swing of things.  I think I have decided no more than one week off at a time.  It's not worth it :)

HUGE news for our family that happened yesterday too .... Emi became a Christ Follower - Praise the Lord!!!

Bible - review Galatians.  I am thinking we are going to take a break on this and start focusing on Christmas and Luke 2.

Handwriting - we wrote Matthew 5:16 again and reviewed it for memorization.


  • Did 2 lesson pages on Math lesson 2


  • Math - 2 pages on making 10
  • Phonics - Assessment lesson 55 with Spelling Test - she did pretty good!!!
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 105 (making words with long vowel and silent e)
  • Reading Eggs - Spelling - got all right on test lesson 13


  • Math - last page on lesson 11E skip counting by 3's
  • Spelling City - science words on life science (2 activities)
  • Grammar - sheets on past tense verbs and practice test sheet
  • Time4Learning - LA / LA Ext / Social Studies

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21, 2011

This week is Thanksgiving.  We are reviewing the story about Thanksgiving and all we have to be thankful for.  Today we did our math sheets and our reading along with our review.

G was so excited today.  She got her first real Math workbook from Math U See.  The Primer book and she is super excited and proud!! She whizzed through the first lesson and wanted to do more.  So proud of her!!!

November 18, 2011 - Nature Study on Leaves

Today was our last nature study of 2011.  The lesson was all about leaves and the word "chlorophyll".  Ms. Cathy read the book "The Leaf Man" before we went on our hike.  Each of the girls were to find leaves that were interesting to them and look for one that still had a lot of chlorophyll in it (was still green).

After the hike, we identified each of our leaves while drawing them in our nature study notebook.  The girls were supposed to count each of the main veins so we could make a graph for our group.

Oak Hydrangea - it had 5 main veins
Dogwood - had 14 main veins

Dogwood - 10 main veins

Sour Wood or White Ash - 18 veins
Grape Vine - 6 veins

We learned about the different types of leaves.  We also learned that when chlorophyll is released from the leaves that is what gives us carbon dioxide.

Chlorophyll has a vital function: that of capturing solar rays and utilizing the resulting energy in the manufacture of the plant's food—simple sugars which are produced from water and carbon dioxide. These sugars are the basis of the plant's nourishment—the sole source of thecarbohydrates needed for growth and development. In their food-manufacturing process, the chlorophylls themselves break down and thus are being continually "used up." During the growing season, however, the plant replenishes the chlorophyll so that the supply remains high and theleaves stay green.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday is here so only one more classroom day and then Nature Study tomorrow!

Girls did pretty good today.


  • worked on all her shapes and coloring in the lines


  • Bible - Galatians review
  • Math - lesson 14F and her math test on it doubles plus 1 - she didn't miss any!!!!
  • Phonics - went over digraph NG, PH and then reviewed sight words she is having problems with (could, would, should, their and there)
  • Reading Eggs - next lesson (OE) and her spelling lesson on there (only missed one)
  • Reading - she is doing sooooo good on reading.  Finishing short chapter books quickly now.


  • Bible - Galatians review
  • Handwriting - verse in cursive
  • Math - still multiplying and skip counting by 3's
  • Time4Learning
  •       LA Ext - Arctic chapter test
  •       LA - think aloud lesson
  • SpellingCity - vocabulary flashcards

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

All the girls slept in on this rainy morning and woke up in great moods!! I'm hoping that will carry over into our studies and the rest of the day.

Bible - review Galatians and start working on next verses.  E is a little ahead of the others but that is to be expected.  We want to finish this up to quote at Thanksgiving so we can start working on the birth of Jesus to quote at Christmas.
Handwriting - each girl wrote some more of the Galatians verse.

Thanksgiving Craft - Turkey with coffee filters .  So cute!!!


  • Reading eggs - letter H
  • Math - counting by 10's, 5's and 2's


  • Math - sheet 14E of adding doubles plus 1
  • Phonics - Assessment lesson 50
  • Language Lessons - Lesson 46 (Pronouns - I, me, my, mine) Ordering usage (I and me)
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 103 (ole)
  • Reading Eggs Spelling - lesson 11


  • Math - multiplying by 3
  • Grammar - Past tense verbs
  • Language Lesson - Interjections (four types of sentences)
  • Time4Learning
  •           LA Ext - Artic
  •           LA - Think alouds
  • Spelling City

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

School went pretty well for the rainy, dreary day that is outside.
Did read aloud from "The Thanksgiving Story" by Alice Dalgliesh while the girls colored pictures about Thanksgiving.

Phonics - spelling with "E" sound
Math - adding doubles plus 1
Spelling City - new lesson for sight words from lesson 31
Reading Eggs - "oo" sound  and spelling lesson 11
Handwriting - writing part of Bible lesson

Math lessons counting by 10's

Grammar - past tense verbs
LA test preparation - The Treasure Hunt and quiz
Math - multiplying by 3
Cursive - wrote Bible Verse
Language Lessons - Adjective review and copied December Couplet
Poetry - worked on reading through The Year poem.
Spelling City - next assignment
Time4Learning - Idiom completion, arctic learning, and some science
P's Cornucopia

E's Cornucopia

G's Cornucopia
Time4Learning - Science, LA Ext and LA

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Friday was Veteran's Day so we did not do school.  We just learned what a veteran was and why we have our freedom.

Today was so much fun!! We had a field trip to see the Golden Dragon Acrobats at the Alys Stephens Center. The girls loved it!!!  Then we had to come home and do our reading and math.  They did great today though!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thankful month continues.  Each girl continued to fill in their places for what they are thankful for.
We also started read aloud yesterday of "Meet Molly" during the World War 2 time.  The girls sit and color while listening to the story. Today they colored pictures of a turkey for Thanksgiving.


  • Math - lessons from primer
  • Handwriting - letters and numbers


  • Bible - Galatians 5
  • Phonics - vowel Y as saying E
  • Math - adding doubles plus 1
  • Reading - working on fluency


  • Bible - Galatians 5
  • Grammar - past and present tense of verbs (has, have, had)
  • Handwriting - letter to a friend
  • Lanugage Lessons - reviewing verbs also, November couplet
  • Reading - fluency sheets
  • Spelling City
  • Time for Learning lessons

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


  • Math - more lessons from primer
  • Writing - letters and numbers


  • reading eggs
  • spelling city
  • Phonics - vowel y as I
  • Math - adding doubles plus 1
  • Handwriting - verse
  • Reading - books from library
  • Bible - Galatians 5


  • grammar - verb practice sheets
  • spelling city 
  • Math - multiplying 9
  • Reading
  • Handwriting - letter to a friend
  • Bible - Galatians 5

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Math - Started Primer lessons today and really enjoyed them!
Writing - worked on her letters

Reading eggs
Phonics - final stable syllable conclusion
Math - adding doubles
Bible - review Galatians 5
Handwriting - correct placement of letters

Spelling city
Math - 9 fact test - 100%
Grammar - more verb practice (past and present tense)
Handwriting - writing a letter to a friend
Language Lessons - contraction work

We also started a list of what each girl was thankful for.  They are writing something for each day of November.  So neat to see what they say for each one.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Started off Monday with a good attitude and the girls seemed to also.

Reading eggs - lesson 100
Phonics - assessment and only missed 2
Spellingcity - made 100 on test
Math - worksheet on doubles
Bible - review Galatians and start next verse
Handwriting - Psalm 71:8
Reading - Tad book

Grammar - past and present tense verbs
Math - next worksheet on 9 facts
Handwriting - wrote Psalm 71:8 in cursive
Bible - same as P
Time4Learning - test on Rainforests for LA EXt
    LA - Idioms
Reading Eggspress - new online reading to try out

E's cursive writing - first time connecting all letters together

P's math test!!! Yea P!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

School on this Friday went well!!! Praise the Lord!!

P -

  • Bible -review verse
  • Math - got 100 on her test!!!! YEAH!!
  • Phonics - final stable syllable lesson 
  • Alphabetizing - she did 18 words by herself!!
  • Reading eggs - next lesson (ee)

E -

  • Bible - review verse
  • Math - first lesson on multiplying 9
  • Grammar - 2 worksheets
  • Time4learning -
  •      LA Ext - Rainforests - Anteaters and quiz (all right)
  •      LA - Homophones
  •      Science - Jane Goodall (quiz - all right)
  •      Vikings - quiz and test (did great!)
  •      Math - rounding numbers

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Today I did individual work with the girls.

P -

  • Math - did her worksheets and then her first worksheet on doubles.  
  • Phonics - next lesson on final, stable syllables
  • IXL - 3 math games
  • Reading eggs - next lesson

E -

  • Math - lesson 8 test and chapter test (1-8) - she got all right!
  • Grammar - 
  • IXL - 3 games
  • Time4learning lesons:
  •    LA Ext - Rain forest
  •    LA - Homophones
  •    Math - rounding numbers
  •    Science - Contributions to science - Jane Goodall
  •    Social studies - Vikings, culture

G -

  • Math - lesson 5 and 6 in Primer
  • IXL - 3 games

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Today was a challenge in some areas with P but we worked through them and accomplished what was absolutely needed for school today and nothing more.

  • 3 online math games with IXL
  • 2 math worksheets
  • Phonics - final stable syllables
  • Reading - 20 minutes

  • Last math sheet for lesson 8
  • LA - reading comprehension and worksheet
  • Grammar - writing out the 4 types of sentences
  • Handwriting - connecting letters and review of capital letters
  • Reading - 30  minutes

  • Online IXL math games