Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Today started off in a sweet way.  While I was sitting in bed drinking my coffee and having my quiet time, both P and G came in after they were done watching cartoons and grabbed a book.  We went to the library yesterday so they were excited about the books they had picked out.  G read through 2 of her Curious George phonics readers with me.  P read a whole Dick and Jane book along with starting her next book which is Paddywack.  Love hearing the girls read.  Of course E was still in bed :)

Math - started adding 8 and she did great! No tears and it really clicked for the most part
Handwriting - Isaiah 40:8
Bible - reciting Galatians 5 still
Spelling - spelling city lesson
Reading Eggs - map 10 lesson #92

Bible - reciting Galatians 5
Reading eggs - last lesson on map 1

Math - square area lesson 7B
Handwriting - cursive T and F
Grammar - Verb worksheets

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