Friday, March 27, 2015

March 2015 (20 days)

Weeks 19-21 for CC

Lincoln's War between the states
Reconstruction of the southern states
Dominion of Canada
Otto von Bismarck unifies Germany
Boer Wars in Africa
The Spanish- American war
The progressive era
Australia becomes a commonwealth
Mexican revolution
WWI and President Wilson
Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution
US Evangelist Billy Graham
Modern period of the arts
The great depression and the New Deal
WWII and President Franklin D Roosevelt
Stalin of the USSR and the Katyn Massacre
The United Nations formed
The Cold War
Gandhi and India's Independence
Jewish State Established
Mao and Communist Victory in China

Tell me about NATO.  In 1949, the US and its allies formed NATO to resist the spread of Soviet Communism.
Tell me about Brown vs. Board of Education.   In 1954, in Brown v Board of Education the  US supreme court ruled that the segregation of public schools by race is unconstitutional.
Tell me about US Astronauts.  In 1969, US astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first men to walk on the moon.

Trails: Cumberland Road, Santa Fe, Mormon, Gila, Old Spanish Trail, California ,Oregon
Canals: Erie, Pennsylvania, Chesapeake & Ohio, Ohio and Erie, Miami & Erie
Territories & Terrains: Eastern Woodlands, Plains, Plateaus, Northwest coast, California & Great Basin, Southwest

circumference of a circle
area of a circle
associative law for addition and multiplication

predicate is that part of a sentence that says something about the subject
a phrase is a group of words that does not contain both a subject and a verb and may be used as a single part of speeach.  a clause is a group of words that does contain both a subject and a verb.

What do the heavens declare? the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands (psalm 91:1)

What is the theory of evolution? the belief that life began as a chance combination of non-living things

What is uniformitarianism? the belief that the earth's past geological changes can be fully explained by current processes.

John 1:5-6
and the darkness comprehended it not there was a man sent from God whose name was John this man came for a witness
et tenebrae eam non conprehenderunt fuit homo missus a Deo cui nomen erat Johannes

February School (20 days)

Feb. 2-6, 9-13, 16-20, 23-27

Age of Industry
James Cook sails to Australia & Antarctica
American Revolution & General George Washington
Madison's Constitution & The Bill of Rights
French Revolution
Second Great Awakening
Louisiana Purchase & Lewis & Clark Expedition
Napoleon Crowned Emperor of France
Liberation of South America
The War of 1812
The Missouri Compromise
Immigrants Flock to America
The Monroe Doctrine
Romantic Period of the Arts
Cherokee Trail of Tears
US Westward Expansion
Marx Publishes The Communist Manifesto
The Compromise of 1850 and the Dred Scot Decision
US Restores trade with Japan
British Queen Victoria's Rule over India
Darwin Publishes the Origin of Species

Tell me about immigrants coming to America.  From 1820 to 1930, more than 37 million immigrants came to America, seeking freedom and the opportunity to increase their personal wealth.

Tell me about President Wilson.  In 1917, President Wilson asked Congress to declare war on the Central Powers two years after German U-boats sank the Lusitania, killing American citizens.

Tell me about Pearl Harbor.  On December 7, 1941, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, causing the US to join the Allies in World War II.

GeographyBays: Chesapeake, Hudson, San Francisco, Puget Sound, Pamlico Sound
Rivers (East): St. Lawrence, Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas River
Rivers (West): Colorado, Red, Rio Grande, Columbia, Great Salt Lake

Area of Rectangle, square and triangle

Irregular Verb Tenses
To shake, shake, shakes, shook, shaking shaken
to go, go, goes, went, going, gone
Subject: The subject is that part of a sentence about which something is being said.

What are the first 12 elements of the periodic table by number, element, and mass (mass is rounded)
1 hydrogen H 1
2 Helium He 4
3 Lithium Li 7
5 Beryllium Be 9
5 Boron B 11
6 Carbon C 12
7 Nitrogen N 14
8 Oxygen O 16
9 Fluorine F 19
10 Neon Ne 20
11 Sodium Na 23
12 Magnesium Mg 24

John 1:3-5
and without him nothing was made that was made in him was life and his life was the light of men and the light shineth in the darkness

et sine ipso factum est nihil quod factum est in ipso vita erat et vita erat lum hominum et lux in tenebris lucet

Science experiments and learning about great artists Wyeth, Lichtenstein, Davis

Girls also have been working on paper writing. Research and creative writing.
Started working on faces of history, Payton is Florence Nightingale and Emi is Helen Keller. Working on complete project to present.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

January 2015 (5-9, 12-16, 19-23, 26-30) - 20 days

Started CC back in full swing and going really good!

Did weeks 13-15

Timeline - from Age of Exploration to The Seven Years War

History -
Tell me about the Fourteenth Amendment.   In 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment made all former slaves US citizens and paved the way for the Civil Rights Movement.

Tell me about tycoons.  During the late 1800s, tycoons like Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie and Swift fueled the nation's Industrial Age by developing American resources.

Tell me about Theodore Roosevelt.  In 1898, Theodore Roosevelt and his Rough Riders, defeated the Spanish at the Battle of San Juan Hill while trying to help the Cubans win their independence.

Western Mountains
Rocky Mountains, Pikes Peak, Mt. Elbert, Sierra Nevadas, Mt. Whitney

Northwest Mountains
Cascade Mountains, Mt. Ranier, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. McKinley

Great Lakes
Superior, Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Eerie, Niagara Falls

Irregular Verb Tenses
To beat, beat, beats, beat, beating, beaten

To break, break, breaks, broke, breaking, broken

To write, write, writes, wrote, writing, written

Liquid Equivalents:
8 fl oz = 1 cup
2 cups = 1 pint
2 pints = 1 quart
4 qts = 1 gallon

Linear Equivalents
2.54 cm = 1 inch
12 in = 1 ft
5,280 ft = 1 mile

Metric measurements
10 mm = 1 cm
100 cm = 1 m
1000 m = 1 km

John 1:1 (continued) - John 1:3
and the Word was with God and the Word was God.  This was with God in the beginning all things were made through Him

et Verbum erat aupud Deum et Deus erat Verbum
hoc erat in principio apud Deum
omnia per ipsum facta sunt

What is the atomic number? It is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom, which is also the number of electrons in a neutral atom.

What is an element? An element is a basic chemical substance defined by its atomic number (number of protons) and atomic mass.

What are some parts of an atom?
nucleus, protons, electrons, quarks, leptons, neutrons

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

December 2 - 5; December 8-12; December 15-19, 2014

Back into school after Thanksgiving break week.  Enjoyed having the week off and just being with our family.  We pushed through 3 weeks of school so we could take a couple off for Christmas break.  Girls really seem to be doing well and work together real well too.  I see E and P helping with G and also P stepping up and helping when she can.

We reviewed CC for first 12 weeks each week and traced our Geography maps.  The girls know all 50 states and exactly where they are on the map along with their capital  Pretty impressive :)

Girls continued reading, writing, spelling, and Math also.