Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, September 27 , 2012 (day 11 of SLP)

Day 11 - almost done with SLP! P had a headache last night and some stomach aches. Hyper at ties but all in all well.

Field trip today for school. We went to see cirque alys Ariel music. Was very interesting. Learned about several instruments. The earth heart, drum cloud, drumbrella, aquatar, and others. Also got to watch some Ariel artists perform. Girls enjoyed it!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 10 of therapy. Ready for some structure for our school day. Almost there!


  • Science - lesson on animals. Had to reassign entire lesson because she failed quiz. Redoing today with more explanation.  
  • Math - review page
  • Geography - reviewing 32 capitals of states 
  • Spelling city - new list


  • Math review page
  • Time for learning for science and social studies 


  • Math review page
  • Reading eggs for spelling and reading lesson 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Therapy going well. No problems as of lately. A little eye pain periodically but nothing major.


  • Enrichment was today. 
  • Spanish, writing, music and art. 


  • Math review sheet  - all by herself 
  • Handwriting 
  • Bible


  • Math review
  • Abeka
  • Handwriting 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012 (day 8 of SLP)

Therapy over the weekend went great! No problems or eye pain. Today is day 8.

School all together:

  • Bible, state review, books of the Bible, handwriting


  • Spanish - review all 3 vocabulary sheets
  • Math - test 6 (19/20)
  • English - unit 1 test (49/50)
  • Science - lesson "Animals and the Environment" lesson all right


  • Reading - aloud
  • Math - 25C
  • Scholastic - Verbs day 2


  • Abeka - page 83
  • Math - 19E and 19Fx
  • Nature Reader - B for Beetle

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

P got up 3 times in the night complaining of eyes burning and also had one nightmare 😔.  Day 5 of treatment - both treatments went well.  Complained of eye pain so we used sunglasses to see if that would help.

Worked on geography for school today.  Went over states and capitals of the states.  Reviewed all of our Bible verses and girls worked on handwriting.  Also did some math games instead of sheets today.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012 (day 4 of SLP)

Last night P woke up complaining of eye pain and burning. Gave Tylenol before treatment this morning.

Bible - review 3 verses and catechisms.


  • English - poem review and studying over unit 1 for test
  • Math - 6E
  • Scholastic - reading comprehension (galaxies), reading skills test, maps


  • Going over shapes and colors and numbers
  • Math - review skip counting by 10, 19B
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 73


  • Language Arts - verbs
  • Scholastic book - reading comprehension (Neil Armstrong), reading skills lesson, grammar, math page

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 3 of SLP. P was more active on bed during treatment. Went well though.

All girls got math, language arts, English, Bible, and handwriting done.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

P had a rough morning. Crying fits over clothes and hair and food. Pushed through and made it through both therapy sessions.

E had enrichment - Spanish, writing, music and art

G did abeka work.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012 (Day 1 of SLP)

P started SLP this morning.  That stands for Sensory Learning Program with Snider Vision Therapy Centers this morning.  She has to go twice a day for 12 days in a row for 30 minutes at a time. This part of therapy consists of the SLP room.  She has to lay on a bed that moves, in a dark room with music in her ears and lights above her head.  This is supposed to reprogram the way her eyes and ears teem together while processing information.  Going to be a long road but truly feel this will be life changing.

All together:

  • Bible, review catechisms and new verse : Colossians 3:23
  • Geography Review


  • Math - 6D
  • Mathematical Reasoning - money problems
  • Grammar - lesson 25 part 1 oral review
  • Reading Comprehension - History Stories for Children (The Girl Who Gathered Barley) with questions
  • Science - Test on unit of plants - scored 97 :)


  • Language Arts - pg 28, verbs (day 1)
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Scholastic - 2nd grade curriculum book (maps, grammar telling sentences)


  • Math - 18E
  • Abeka - page 74-75

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

All together:
Bible - review all
Spanish - beginning learning words


  • Math - 6C
  • Spelling City - spelling test scored 100%
  • English - lesson 25 review


  • Handwriting - O and P, practice writing names
  • Phonics - 
  • Math - 18C


  • Handwriting - g and q
  • Math review sheet
  • Language Arts - simple sentences

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

All together:

  • Bible - review books of the Bible, and verse review, catechism review
  • Geography - finish Maine and review continents
  • Lesson 2 - God created the world Lap Book

Math - 6B
English - Checking spelling lesson 24
Science - redo lesson

Handwriting - practice o and l and d
Language Arts - simple sentences
Math - review pages

Handwriting - M and N
ABeka - page 67-69
Math - 18C
Reading Eggs Spelling Lesson 11 - scored perfect!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


  • Bible - review books, catechisms and verse
  • coloring sheet on armor of God and review days of creation
  • Geography - World and Maine review


  • Handwriting - L
  • Abeka - page 63-65
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 71


  • Handwriting - lowercase o and c
  • Language Arts - simple sentences, lesson1 
  • Math - reviewing sheets
  • Reading Comprehension - Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat


  • Math - 6A (dividing by 9)
  • Handwriting - making smaller words out of one big word, and wrote verse
  • English - lesson 23
  • LA - on time 4 learning - tornadoes

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today E started a co-op.  She went from 9-1:20.  Subjects include Spanish, Writing, Music and Art.  She loved it!!!

P and G did gardening with their Nana.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

All together:

  • Bible - review catechisms, verse from last week, read story from Genesis, and started new verse Psalm 139:14
  • Geography - review Connecticut, Delaware and start learning about Maine
  • Worked some more on our World Lap Book


  • English - lesson 22
  • Math - 5C and 5D, word problems (#66-70)
  • Math Test #5 - scored 100
  • Reading Comprehension - History Stories for Children - The Boy Who Dreamed and questions
  • Science - lesson 


  • T4L - Social Studies (Compare and contrast locations), Science (wetland habitat)
  • Spelling city - 
  • Math - 30F, abeka (page 23)
  • Handwriting - a and d in cursive


  • Math - lesson 18A
  • Abeka - page 57-61 (including evaluation - scored perfect)
  • Handwriting - K's
  • Reading Eggs Spelling lesson 10

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

All together

  • Bible - verse review, books of the Bible, along with creation poem, lesson 4


  • Abeka - page 53 - 55
  • Math - 17F
  • Handwriting - J practice
  • Reading Eggs - spelling and lesson 71


  • Handwriting - i, t, e, and l review in cursive
  • LA - page 23, capitalize names and places
  • Math - 30E


  • Math - 5B
  • English - lesson 21
  • Science - lesson

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

All together

  • Bible - review books, verse and catechisms
  • Geography - started learning continents and oceans and creating Creation Lap Book
  • Handwriting


  • Phonics - Abeka page 49-51
  • Math - 17E , skip counting by 2s
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 70 review (only missed 2)
  • reading eggs - spelling lesson 9 and test (only missed 1)


  • Math - MUS (Beta 1C), (Alpha 30D)
  • LA - writing proper nouns with capital letters
  • LL - verb review
  • Spelling city

  • English - lesson 20, contractions
  • Math - new lesson #5
  • Science - experiment on root hairs 
  • Spelling city - flashcards

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

All together

  • Geography: review Connecticut and Delaware and did post card for Delaware
  • Bible - review verse, books of the Bible, catechisms and lesson 2


  • Handwriting - page 15
  • Math - 4F, test #4 (scored 100%)
  • Spelling City
  • English - lesson 19


  • Handwriting - changed curriculum, doing lowercase I and L
  • Math - lesson 30C
  • LA - day 2 of capitalizing proper nouns
  • Spelling City


  • Math - 17D
  • Handwriting - page 30-31 (G and H)
  • ABeka - oral evalutation (page 47), page 48
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 70

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

All together

  • Bible - books of the Bible review, Unit 4, Lesson 1, review catechism 1-8, work on #9,
  • start memorizing Psalm 19:14: "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer"
  • Prayer
  • Pledge


  • Math 4E, word problems (58-64), Critical thinking pg 21 (parallel and perpendicular lines)
  • Handwriting pg 14
  • Spelling - Practice Test
  • English - lesson 18, quotations
  • Science - quiz 2 (B)


  • Math - 30B, Abeka page 20
  • Handwriting - beginning cursive lowercase a
  • Spelling lesson 5
  • LA - proper nouns
  • Reading comprehension - Ducky
  • T4L - Pond habitat for Science, SS - wants and needs


  • Math - 17C
  • Handwriting - practice F, also start writing verse
  • ABeka - page 44 - 45
  • Phonics - working on blends, lesson 7
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 69
  • Reading Eggs - spelling lesson 9