Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012

Together - Bible: review catechisms, books of the Bible


  • 17 B - skip counting by 2s
  • ABeka - page 41
  • Handwriting


  • Math - 30A
  • LA


  • Math - 4D
  • Science - Plant Growth
  • LA - Hurricane unit and test - 100%

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday, August 30. 2012

Everyone is kind of puny today. So thankful we are all home and able to take school slowly between all the coughs and breaks :)

Abeka - page 37-39
Math - 17A

Math - 29E
Bible - lesson 4, unit 2; and review catechisms
LA - pg 19 - common nouns

English - lesson 17: writing quotations

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 (day 16)


  • Prayer
  • Pledge
  • Bible - review catechisms, review books of Bible
  • Geography - review Connecticut, and Delaware


  • Handwriting - page 21 (beginning cursive moves)
  • LA - page 18
  • Math - 29E and 29F
  • LL - review state of being verbs
  • Reading Comprehension - The Gingerbread Man read and took quiz:
  • T4L - science


  • Handwriting - page 26 (D)
  • Phonics - review vowels, consonants, and lesson 7 in Saxon
  • Math - 16F
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 68


  • English - lesson 16: Quotations and quotation marks
  • Math - lesson 4C, Critical Thinking page 18
  • Spelling - alphabetize words
  • Science - quiz 1, B+
  • Writing - began to learn how to do creative writing  

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


  • Spelling - write new words, 2 times
  • Math - lesson 4B
  • English - lesson 15


  • Spelling - page 14
  • LA - page 17, common nouns
  • Handwriting - page 20

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

All together - Bible (review books, lesson 1, verse review, catechisms 6-8), Geography - Delaware


  • Handwriting 
  • Math - Test 3 (missed 1), lesson 4A, Critical Thinking (page 9-10)
  • English - Lesson 14: Reviewing what you have learned
  • Science - Plant Parts


  • Handwriting - starting slants for cursive
  • Math - Test 28, Abeka Page 17-18
  • LA - Page 16: Common Nouns
  • Spelling - pg 13, new list
  • Science - T4L

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

All together - Bible (review catechisms, and all of old testament books)


  • Math - 16E
  • Handwriting - C's
  • Abeka - page 31 and 33
  • Phonics - review of consonants and vowels
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 68


  • Handwriting - page 12, antonymns
  • English - Lesson 13: Telling, Asking, Commanding, And Exclaiming Sentences
  • Spelling - Spelling Test
  • Math - 3D, Word Problems, Critical Thinking
  • Science - Experiment and Lesson


  • Handwriting - writing paragraph (Matthew 22:37-40
  • LA
  • LL - Verb review, action verbs, linking verbs
  • Math - 27A, 29D
  • Spelling Test
  • Science - Time4Learning

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Together - Prayer, Bible, Connecticut review


  • Handwriting
  • English - Lesson 12
  • Math - 3C, Word Problems 48-49, Critical Thinking 2-3
  • Science


  • Handwriting
  • LA - Commands and Exclamations
  • LL - Action Verbs
  • Math - 29C
  • Science - Time4Learning


  • Phonics - working with short and long vowels
  • Abeka - page 27-29
  • Math - 16C and 16D
  • Spelling - working first group of spelling words
  • Reading 
  • Reading Eggs lesson 67

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012 (Day 11)

All together - Bible (review books of Bible through Job, Lesson 4 and review of catechisms 1-5)
Prayer and Pledge

  • Handwriting
  • Spelling - alphabetize words
  • English - lesson 11 commanding sentences & exclamations
  • Math - 3B (MUS), Word Problems (48-49), critical thinking (page 2-3)
  • Science - SOS next lesson
  • Handwriting
  • Spelling - next lesson
  • Language Arts - pg 13 : Exclamations and commands
  • Math - lesson 29B (MUS)

  • Handwriting
  • Math - 16B
  • Phonics - lesson 6 (long E)
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 65

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012

All together - Bible (books reviewed in order) along with reading Luke 10:25-27, Matthew 5:16, Prayer, Pledge, Review of Connecticut and the capital


  • Math - 2 Quiz - missed only 1
  • Math - Critical Thinking page 1
  • Math - Singapore Word Problems #46, 47
  • English - Lesson 10 - Subjects & Predicates in Asking Sentences
  • Spelling - new list, wrote list twice
  • Handwriting - page 9 (minuteman, oatmeal)


  • Phonics - Abeka page 21
  • Handwriting - Writing upper and lowercase A's
  • Math - 16A
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 64


  • LA  - page 12, Exclamations and Commands
  • Math - Test 27
  • Handwriting - page 12
  • LL - review pronouns and start on verbs
  • Spelling - Lesson 3, page 9

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

All together: Prayer, Pledge, and prayer requests

  • Bible - learning first 8 books of the Bible, Unit 2 - lesson 2 (How can we glorify God)
  • Road Trip - Connecticut (review) and new parts bird and fish


  • Handwriting - page 7, writing eagle, tuba, leak, heart
  • English - lesson 9, Asking Sentences
  • Math - 2B
  • SOS Science Experiment - Taste Test


  • Handwriting - page 18 & 19, practice writing words sing, act, dance, shout
  • Abeka - page 19
  • Math - 15F


  • Handwriting - page 11, writing sentences, practicing spacing
  • Spelling - Test on unit 1 - scored perfect!
  • Math - lesson 29A
  • Time4Learning - Science lesson and Social Studies

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

All together:

  • Prayer
  • Pledge
  • Bible - Tower of Babel, review of first 3 catechisms, learning next 2
  • Road Trip USA - Connecticut (spelling, abbreviation, flag, capital)


  • Handwriting - pg
  • English - lesson 8 (review 1-7)
  • Math - 2A (starting division)
  • SOS - Science, next lesson


  • Handwriting - WWP, page 10
  • Math - MUS - page 28F, Abeka 15
  • LL - pronouns
  • LA - page 11 questions
  • T4L - Science - food chain


  • Handwriting - ITB - page 17, 2M - page 17
  • Math - 15E
  • Abeka Letters - page 17
  • Reading Eggs = lesson 63

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012


  • Spelling Test
  • English - lesson 7 (2 subjects, 2 predicates)
  • Math - Test #1
  • Reading
  • Road Trip USA - White House, Pledge, Flag, Statue of Liberty


  • LA - lesson 4, questions
  • Spelling - lesson 2, rewriting words
  • Math 28E
  • Road Trip - White House, Pledge, Flag, Statue of Liberty
  • Reading


  • Phonics worksheet 4
  • Math - 15D
  • Abeka - pg 13-15
  • Reading

Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

E, P & G - finish unit 1, lesson 5.  Finished lesson 2 for G's book also reading about Enoch.


  • Handwriting - page 5, (a and i review for cursive)
  • Spelling - figured out the spelling book we have is for 4th grade and too hard.  Created a new list for her and she will begin work on it for next week
  • English - lesson 6 (sentence parts and beginning diagramming for simple subject and simple predicate)
  • Math - 1F
  • Science - SOS, experiment on Breathing and next lesson


  • Handwriting - pg 9, capitalization
  • Spelling - page 6-7, (i, o, u - short sounds)
  • LA - pg 9, questions
  • Math - 28C and 2 pages in ABeka
  • Science - T4L, families and life cycles
  • Social Studies - T4L, wants and needs


  • Reading Eggs - leson 62, up and ut
  • Phonics (Abeka), pg 11, review vowels and consonants
  • Math - 15C
  • Handwriting - circles and slants

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

E, P, G - Bible lesson 4


  • English - lesson 4 review about subject and predicate and alphabetical order along with lesson 5 (Telling Sentences)
  • Math - 1E
  • Science - SOS lesson 2, Quiz 1 100%


  • LA - Questions and telling sentences, page 8
  • LL - Pronouns
  • Math - Abeka pg 12 & 13, MUS 28B
  • Science - Time4Learning - lesson 1


  • Phonics - lesson 3
  • Abeka Letters - page 9
  • Math - 15B
  • Reading Eggs (and, the, to)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

E, P & G - Bible - Luke 1:39-80, Catechism 1-3


  • Handwriting - page 4 (worked on lower r's)
  • Math - lesson 1D
  • English - lesson 4
  • Spelling - lesson 3
  • Reading - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • Science - SOS lesson 2


  • Handwriting - page 8
  • Language Lessons - pronouns
  • LA - page 7 telling sentences
  • Math - lesson 28A and pg 11 in Abeka
  • Spelling - lesson 2, page 5
  • Reading - Magic Treehouse, book 1


  • Handwriting - ITB (In The Beginning Curriculum), page 15, 3M - page 14
  • Math - 15A
  • Phonics - vowels
  • Abeka - letter E, page 7-8

Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Did school with P and G separate than E.  Worked a little better.  We are going to get into full swing of things by next week hopefully.  Hitting all core subjects for now.  Proud of my girls.  Got to get pictures taken of each of them too to hang up for first day.  To come shortly, .. hopefully. ...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wow!! My baby turns 9 today!!! So hard to believe it has been 9 years ago that I became a mom.  I never imagined in a million years that I would have 3 beautiful little girls and homeschooling them all.

School looked a little different today but we were able to get the core subjects in and it went a little better.  Hoping over the next week or so we will have a set in routine for us all.