Wednesday, February 29, 2012

LEAP DAY - February 29, 2012 (121 Days of School today)

We learned about what Leap year is why it happens. Let girls color pictures and do some activities about it.  We wrote out a fact sheet about each of them we are going to put them up to hopefully remember to look at again on the next leap year.


  • Bible - God's Promised One
  • Math - drill page x 3, one math sheet 20D
  • LA - commas between cities and states


  • Math - lesson 20E
  • Grammar - Practice Test 16
  • Social Studies - using a US Map and finding places on world map
  • Grammar - irregular verbs give, take, and come
  • Test Prep - Practice Test 16

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


  • Math - drills on computer and subtracting by adding up
  • LA - putting commas after day and before year
  • Bible - God's Promises kept
  • Reading


  • LA - present and past tense verbs
  • Social Studies - Chapter 11 - Neighbors are Alike & Different
  • Test prep - activity sheet 63 & 64
  • Math - Lesson 20D
  • Reading

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012


  • Math- sheet 20D
  • Social Studies - Chapter checkup (missed 0) and Unit 4 Test (missed 0)
  • Test Prep - Activity sheet 62 
  • Grammar - finished up adjectives that compare
  • Reading - 30 minutes


  • Math - wrote numbers out skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s - also simple subtraction - also did lesson 20B from Math U See
  • LA - review ending marks
  • Reading - 20 mins

Saturday, February 25, 2012


  • LA - Continuing work on ending sentences with correct punctuation
  • Math - still working on combining numbers and simple subtraction
  • Bible - Self Test 1 in unit 6


  • Test prep - activity sheet 61
  • Grammar - Adjectives that compare
  • Math- sheet 20C
  • Social Studies - Using a map of the world

Friday, February 24, 2012


  • Math - working on putting 10s and 1s together to make complete number (review adding and subtracting)
  • LA - adding periods, question marks and exclamation marks at end of sentences
  • Reading - 20 minutes
  • Bible - Gods promises kept (unit 6)


  • Grammar - Adjectives that compare
  • Math - next lesson in 20
  • Social Studies -  Chapter 10 - people solve problems together
  • Test Prep - Practice Test 15
  • Reading - 30 minutes

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

  • Grammar - finishing lesson on possessive nouns (missed 1)
  • Test Prep booklet - activity sheet 59 & 60
  • Math - starting lesson 20 (finishing multiplying by 8)
  • Social Studies - Reading a map of North America & finding places in North America
  • Reading - 30 minutes
  • Language Arts - Adverbs
  • Science - Planet review & coloring sheet


  • Math - number families & working on lesson 20 (watched lesson 20 on MathUSee)
  • Language Arts - Periods at end of sentence
  • Science - Planet review and coloring sheet


  • Math - writing numbers and recognizing numbers

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


  • Math - we worked on 2 different types of math curriculum today to see which one she liked more than mathusee since we can't seem to get past what we are doing.  We did a math lesson from Lifepac and one from Horizon.  Not sure which one we will choose at this point. 
  • Language Arts - Capitalizing nouns still
  • Bible - talked about choosing Joy - Jesus, Others, You and Psalm 118:22
  • Reading - 20 minutes in Junie B Jones
  • Math - did lesson 19F cumulative review along with lessons from LifePac and Horizons for her to check out
  • Grammar - possessives and reviewing verbs and adverbs, nouns and adjectives
  • Test Prep - activity sheet 57 & 58
  • Social Studies - Leaders and Laws - Frederick Douglas
  • Reading - 30 minutes in Say Cheese by Patricia Reilly Giff

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


  • Math - work on addition and subtraction through 10 again
  • Language Arts -  Capitalizing Months and days
  • Reading - Junie B Jones (20 mins)


  • Social Studies - Begin Chapter 9 Leaders & Laws 
  • Test Prep - Practice Test 14 - missed 0
  • Grammar - start work on possessives
  • Math - lesson 19E on multiplying 8 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012 - President's Day

Today is President's Day so we spent a lot of time on discussing presidents and going over Washington and Lincoln.  Did coloring pages and then a small writing assignment of "If I Were the President..."

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012


  • Math - Lesson 19 test - scored 100!
  • Grammar - Adverb review
  • Social Studies - Chapter 8 Rules and Laws for Everyone - Chapter Review missed 0
  • Test Prep book - activity sheet 55 and 56
  • Reading - 30 minutes
  • Reading Comprehension - President's Day - missed 0!


  • Math - still working on subtracting and adding by 1
  • Phonics - trigraph dge
  • Language arts - capitalizing places
  • Language lessons - read aloud The Black Crow

Thursday, February 16, 2012


  • Reading Comprehension - President's Day - missed 1
  • Social Studies - Unit 3 test - missed 0
  • Grammar - Adverbs beginning lesson
  • Test Prep - activity pages 53 and 54
  • Math - lesson 19 review on skip counting by 8


  • Reading - 20 minutes
  • Grammar - capitalizing Proper names
  • Phonics - trigraph dge
  • Math - subtracting and adding by 1 again

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


  • Math - working on counting backwards from 10 to help in subtraction
  • Language Arts - Capitalizing sentences
  • Phonics - soft g sound
  • Reading - 20 minutes


  • Math - skip counting by 8
  • Social Studies - working in chapter Completing a chart
  • Test Prep workbook - Practice Test 13
  • Grammar - Irregular Verbs go and do
  • Reading Comprehension - The Statue That Stands for Freedom - missed 2
  • Reading - 30 minutes

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 - Valentine's Day

Girls were so excited this morning with their prizes from daddy.  Each one got 3 red roses and a little treat.  Got school off and running.....


  • Math- skip counting by 8 (lesson 19)
  • Test Preparation - Activity sheet 51 & 52
  • Grammar - Irregular verbs - go and do
  • Social Studies- chapter 7 test
  • Reading Comprehension - The American Bald Eagle


  • Math - review on lesson 18 - still confused on subtracting :( Working hard on addition and is getting it.  The opposite is thoroughly confusing her.  Think we will do together for a while.
  • Phonics
  • Spelling City
  • Bible - Unit 3 completion

Girls did coloring pages for Valentine's Day.  Had fun with it!

Monday, February 13, 2012

  • Math - worked together on math and came a long way.  made her use the blocks and it seemed to help some!
  • Phonics - assessment lesson 71
  • Bible - worked in unit 3 to finish 
  • Spelling City - worked on spelling words from lesson 71

  • Reading Comprehension - She Made the First American Flag (85/100)
  • Social Studies - Chapter 7 Where does our money go
  • Grammar - Irregular Verbs
  • Test Preparation - lesson 49 and 50
  • Math - skip counting by 8

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012


  • Math - she did so much better today on math. still getting confused when addition is sideways instead of up and down
  • Phonics - reading comprehension
  • Language Arts - Capitalizing letters in sentences


  • Grammar - Subject / Verb Agreement
  • Language Arts Extensions -Practice test 12
  • Math - test on 18 for 7 facts for multiplication
  • Social Studies - Chapter 7 - Where does the Money Go
  • Reading Comprehension - Early American Colonies

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Back to the grind

Bible - each child recited Galatians 5:16-26 with little help


  • Math - test on 7's and only missed 1
  • Grammar - subject / verb agreement
  • Reading Selection Test - The Bremen Town Musicians -only missed 1
  • Social Studies - worked on a map of California


  • Math - worked on adding and subtracting 9 
  • Language Arts - review from Unit 1.  Did pretty well on it :)
  • Spelling through Reading Eggs
  • Bible - review test of women and men of Bible

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

We were all pretty sick today but managed to get in the basics.

Each child did math and language arts / phonics and reading.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


  • Math - working on basic addition and subtraction reviews
  • Language Arts - combining sentences with conjunction "and"
  • Bible - more about men of the Bible
  • Reading - Toad and Frog more


  • Math - working on 7 facts in multiplication still
  • Social Studies
  • Reading Comprehension - didn't miss any!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Started off well for a Monday besides all the sickness in the house.  The coughing and nose blowing is out of control!!!


  • Math - went well for today.  We did several different worksheets for practice
  • Phonics - worked on breaking down compound words and explaining them
  • Bible - learned about Jonah and Daniel
  • Language Arts - exclamations and statements
  • Reading - 20 minutes


  • Math - lesson 17C ... working on multiplying larger numbers with 0 at the end along with 7 facts
  • Reading Comprehension - Saving the Calvaria Trees - she isn't doing very well with this.  Not understanding what she is reading well enough to answer questions.  I am going to make her start reading some easier books to understand better
  • Grammar - Contractions with NOT again, subject verb agreements, practice test
  • Reading - 30 minutes

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday :)


  • Math - skip counting and multiplying by 7
  • Social Studies - unit 6 starting - Why People Work
  • Reading Comprehension - Grasslands
  • Grammar - Working with Contractions using not


  • Math - adding by 2, doubles and doubles plus 1
  • language arts - working with questions
  • Bible - Joshua and Jericho

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day - explained to girls what tradition this was.  Groundhog Phil saw his shadow today so 6 more weeks of winter it is :(  We shall see!


  • Reading Comprehension - Sharing Ideas
  • Grammar - quotation marks
  • Social Studies - Chapter 5 test and checkup
  • Reading - 30 mins in book
  • Math - working on 7 facts of skip counting


  • Math - going way back again.  Subtraction is confusing her so we are going to stick to addition and really try to master it
  • Phonics - oi diagraph
  • Reading - 20 mins in book

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

100th Day of School - February 1, 2012

Finally at the 100 day mark!!! So excited and proud of girls!!!

Language Arts - Read 3 Billy Goats Gruff and had each girl answer questions about story
Bible -each girl worked on Galatians -almost have all memorized!


  • Social Studies - People give us goods and services pages
  • Math - online drill page for multiplication facts
  • Reading Comprehension - The Leafy forests


  • Math - flashcards again and did 3 sheets on same problems
  • Bible - finished unit 4 of Bible

The girls each got to color a "happy 100th day" page.  We also made a book of 100 things.  Daddy surprised each with an Icee too :P This made their day!!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Math - Singapore word problems
Social Studies - People Work in Many Places - Unit 3 beginning
Reading Comprehension


  • Math - flashcard review of problems
  • Language arts - sentence completion
  • Bible -loving others

Monday, January 30, 2012

Went to library today to get new books for reading.


  • Math - worked on flashcard reviews for adding up to 10 
  • Language Arts- Completing sentences with correct punctuation
  • Bible - loving each other


  • Math - finishing up lessons on multiplying by 6
  • Reading Comprehension - Getting Around
  • Language Arts - reviewing of Verbs and sentences