Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Last day of school before Christmas break!!!

  • Math
  • Bible
  • Science
  • spelling test

  • Math
  • Bible
  • Language Arts

  • Math
  • Bible
  • Reading eggs

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Today we did a Christmas Tree craft.  The girls made trees and decorated them. Too cute! We read a book about why we have trees for Christmas and read the Christmas story.  This was our Bible time.  We wrote thank you cards for our handwriting lesson and writing lesson.


  • Math Test 14 - missed 2 - has a 96 in Math!!
  • English


  • Math - 8C
  • Language Arts


  • Math - 29C
  • Reading Eggs

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Today we learned about the star of Bethlehem and made a craft with popsicle sticks for the star.  The girls painted their stars and glued them together.  Read the book "The Tiny Star" by Arthur Ginolfi.   A lot of fun!!


  • Math
  • Reading
  • Bible


  • Math
  • Reading
  • Bible
  • Vision therapy


  • Math
  • Reading
  • Bible

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

This is the last week of school before Christmas break.  The girls are more than ready to have a full break!!!
Along with school we are doing crafts that pertain to Christmas and the true meaning of it.
For Bible we learned about the story behind the candy cane and read scripture about it.  The girls colored pages for this activity.


  • Bible
  • Math
  • English


  • Bible
  • Math 
  • Language Arts


  • Bible
  • Math
  • Abeka

Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012


  • Science - lesson 2 and quiz 2 - only missed 1
  • Math - 14A
  • Bible - Stephen
  • Reading


  • Language Arts - lessons on contractions 
  • Math - 7F
  • Reading 
  • Bible - Stephen


  • Abeka - page 161
  • Math - 28F
  • Reading
  • Reading Eggs spelling lesson

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Today was a fun school day!! All day cooking, baking and home-ec with Nana.  Girls learned all about making measurements and how to bake from scratch.  They had a great time and the cupcakes turned out great and yummy.  Each girl also did Bible, Math and reading.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday December 12, 2012


  • Math - 13C and Test 13
  • English - lesson 53 Verbs that tell about the past
  • Bible
  • Science


  • Math - ABeka and MUS
  • Reading Comprehension - The Enormous Carrot 
  • Bible
  • Language Arts contractions


  • Math - 28E
  • Reading aloud
  • Reading Eggs
  • Handwriting letter B

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


  • Math - 28B
  • Read Aloud - O is for Ostrich
  • Abeka - page 159-160
  • Reading Eggs - spelling lesson 15


  • Bible - reading and word review
  • Math - 7E
  • Language Arts - contractions
  • Eye therapy


  • Bible - reading and word review
  • Math - 13B
  • English - lesson 52
  • Science

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012 (day 80)


  • Bible - Unit 12, catechisms 18-19 and review 1-18, & advent
  • Math - 13A - area of a trapezoid
  • English - A Poem to Enjoy "A Child's Prayer"; Lesson 51 (action verbs)
  • Science - 
  • Bible - Unit 12, catechisms 18-19 and review 1-18
  • Math
  • Language Arts
  • Science - Time4Learning
  • Reading Comprehension - The Paper Crane - missed 0
  • handwriting

  • Math - 28A - hours and minutes
  • Abeka - page 153
  • Handwriting
  • Reading

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

All together -

  • Bible lesson 4 and 5 of unit 11


  • Math - 12D
  • Math - test 12 - scored perfect
  • Math - unit test for lessons 7-12 - only missed 1 out of 50 :)
  • Science - studying for lessons
  • English - review and studying over for unit test 


  • Math - 7C and building numbers for regrouping
  • Language Arts - verb to be
  • eye therapy


  • Math - 27E
  • Abeka - page 155
  • coloring pictures with special blends

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

All together -

  • Advent devotion
  • Bible review


  • Math - 27F
  • Reading - Dick and Jane
  • Abeka - page 151 and 152


  • Math - 12C
  • English - lesson 50 review part 1


  • Math - 7B
  • Worked extra on math building numbers

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

All together

  • Advent lesson
  • Bible catechism review
  • Scripture review


  • Read aloud - N is for Newt
  • Handwriting
  • Abeka - page 151


  • handwriting - working on cursive r and s
  • Language Arts - Verb - to be
  • Math - extra practice


  • English - lesson 49
  • Math - 12B

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

E had co-op

  • writing
  • Spanish
  • Music 
  • We also had her Christmas party /  program today.  They sang some songs and then we got to have some fellowship and food.  A lot of fun!


  • Math - extra practice adding along with lesson
  • Math - practice test of review materials
  • Language Arts - verb to be
  • science Time for Learning


  • Math - 27A and B
  • Abeka - page 149
  • Time practice

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012 (#75)

All together:

  • Advent devotion
  • catechism review
  • handwriting


  • Math - 6F
  • Language Arts - Adverbs, Verb to be
  • Reading Comprehension - Marti and the Mango


  • Math - 26E
  • Abeka - page 147 oral review
  • Reading eggs lesson


  • Math - 12A (8 division)
  • English - Lesson 48 - this, that, these and those
  • Writing - working with "ly" adverbs along with who/which clauses

Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012


  • Vision Therapy
  • Math - 6E
  • Language Arts - Adjectives
  • Language Lesson review


  • Math- test 11, missed 1
  • Science
  • Reading
  • English review


  • Reading Eggs spelling
  • Reading Eggs reading lesson
  • Abeka

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Children's Theater field trip today.  We saw the production of Peter Pan.  So much fun and great show!

Also got Math, Language Arts, Bible and handwriting in.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012 (day72)


  • Language Arts - adjectives
  • Math - counting by 2s
  • Reading
  • Bible review
  • Vision Therapy


  • Math - 26C
  • ABeka - page 143
  • Reading Eggs - spelling lesson 14 (missed 1)

  • Math - 11E
  • English - lesson 47 (Pronouns for people and things)
  • Science - matter
  • Bible review

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


  • Enrichment day - music, art, Spanish and writing 


  • Math
  • Language Arts
  • Handwriting


  • Abeka
  • Handwriting
  • Math

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

After Thanksgiving break we are trying to get back in the swing of things.

All together - Bible devotion, catechism review, and writing new catechisms


  • Math- 26A
  • Abeka - page 139
  • Handwriting
  • Reading - M is for Manatee


  • Math- 11D
  • Reading Comprehension - Charles the Great - missed 0
  • English - lesson 46 (Pronouns That Tell Whose)
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 81
  • Science- quiz and chemical changes


  • Handwriting
  • Reading Comprehension - Pigsty - missed 1
  • Language Arts - adjectives
  • Math- 6A

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

  • Bible - review catechisms, verses and lesson 4& 5 of unit 10 (The Bible is God's Word)
  • Thanksgiving - learned about the Mayflower and the first Thanksgiving


  • Math - drills online


  • Math - 25F
  • Abeka page 137


  • Math - 11C

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

All together - Bible review, devotion and handwriting


  • Math- 5E and review online
  • Language Arts - Plural nouns page 55
  • Reading Comprehension- The Treasure Hunt (missed 2)


  • Math - 25E
  • L - Leopard
  • Abeka - page 135-136


  • Math - 11B
  • English- lesson 45
  • Reading Comprehension - Saint Valentine

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday, Thursday 14, 2012

All together

  • Bible review and catechisms
  • Galatians 5


  • Math - 5D and review
  • Language Arts - plural nouns
  • Language Lessons - Picture Narration
  • Spelling- review words


  • Math - 24F
  • Abeka - page 133
  • Handwriting
  • Reading Eggs - map 8 quiz (missed 2)
  • Reading Eggs - book comprehension (missed 1)


  • Math - 11A (finding averages)
  • English - lesson 44 when to use pronouns
  • Science - quiz (missed 4)
  • Spelling city test

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Today is E's co-op day.  She has music, art, Spanish, and writing.


  • Math- extra practice pages on what she learned so far
  • K for Kangaroo
  • Reading comprehension - Belling the Cat - missed 0


  • Math - 24C
  • K for Kangaroo
  • Abeka - page 131 evaluation - did great!!!
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 79

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012 - Veterans Day

Today is a very important day that I decided to take advantage of and utilize as a school day to teach the girls about Veterans Day and let them do crafts while learning.

Each girl had a writing assignment about Veterans Day and then we made American flags by cutting strips of paper for our stripes and then using paint and our fingerprints as the stars.  It was a lot of fun and the girls learned a lot!!

P's writing assignment

G's writing assignment

E's writing assignment

flags the girls made

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

All together - Bible and geography


  • Quality Adjectives
  • Math- test 10 - missed 1


  • Math - 5C
  • Math - test for practice #1
  • Language Arts - plural nouns


  • Math - 24B
  • Abeka - page 129

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

All together - Bible review, keep learning about New Hampshire, handwriting


  • Math- 10E
  • English - lesson 43 - Another Use for Commas
  • Writing practice -alien adjectives
  • Spelling words

  • Math - 5B
  • Language Arts - Plural Nouns
  • Reading comprehension - The Busy Bees
  • Science -Time4Learning "Moon and Earth"

  • Math - 24A
  • Abeka - page 127-128
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 78

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

All together

  • Bible catechism review.  Also verse review. Read scripture together.
  • Handwriting
  • Geography- started learning about New Hampshire, and went over state capital
  • Math - 5A
  • Language Arts - word order lesson 4
  • spelling words written

  • Math- 23F
  • Abeka - page 125

  • Math - 10D
  • English - lesson 42
  • Science lesson - Properties of Matter

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012 - ELECTION DAY 2012 (Day 61)

Very important day today.  It is election day for our president.  Bryan and I took the girls with us and let them "help" in the voting process. I explained why we voted and why we were voting for Mitt Romney.  I know they are young and don't understand everything but hopefully this will show them the importance of voting.


  • Had co-op enrichment day today.  She did music, art, writing and Spanish. Turned in all of her homework also.

P and G

  • Had co-op with Nana.  They baked brownies and measured all the ingredients.  They did math with the ingredients.  Also read and practiced writing a short story about something they wanted to write about.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

All together:
  • Bible - review verse and Bible reading as well as catechisms
  • Geography - finish learning about Massachusetts and did postcard, pinned up our animals from MA on our animal board
  • Math - 9C
  • Science - quiz 2, You Are What You Eat
  • English - lesson 36

  • Math - 3F
  • Reading - 20 minutes 
  • Spelling - rewriting spelling list
  • Language Arts - past tense verbs

  • Math - 22D
  • Abeka - page 113
  • Spelling - new list
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 77

Monday, November 5, 2012

All together- Bible devotion, catechism review and verse review. Girls did good remembering.


  • Abeka - page 123-124
  • Math - 23E
  • Read Aloud - J is for Jellyfish
  • handwriting
  • Reading Eggs lesson - what


  • Math - 10C
  • English - lesson 41 - Noun and pronoun working together
  • quality adjective sentences
  • Editor in Chief corrections
  • "cat sayings" for co-op to be turned in


  • Math - 4F
  • Handwriting
  • Language Arts - word order
  • reading comprehension - Then and Now (missed 0)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

All together - Bible review, verse review


  • Math - 10B
  • Music - coloring page of the types of notes in music
  • Writing - sentences for verbs and adjectives


  • Math - 4E
  • Language Arts - word order
  • I is for Iguana coloring page
  • Spelling pretest


  • Math - 23D
  • Abeka - page 122
  • Read Aloud - I is for Iguana
  • Spelling test - missed 2

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

All together - Bible devotion ,Bible review, handwriting


  • Math - 4D
  • Language Arts - Word Order
  • Reading comprehension - Matt and His Dog Shadow1`
  • Spelling - rewriting words


  • Math - 10A (dividing by 4s)
  • Reading Comprehension -Alexander the Great
  • English - lesson 40 reviewing
  • science - quiz (only  missed 1), test (missed 2)


  • Math - 23B
  • Abeka - 119
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 77

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween - our prayer this morning was that we would be a light in all the darkness today.

All together - Bible, handwriting


  • Reading Comprehension - Shipwreck Saturday
  • Math - 4C
  • Language Arts - past tense verbs


  • English - lesson 39
  • Math - test 9 (85/100)
  • Science - lesson - scored 100


  • Math - 23A
  • Abeka - page 117
  • Read Aloud - I

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

E had Enrichment day today.  Music (Sebastian Bach), Writing,  Art, and Spanish.

P and G had baking, math and reading.

P also had first day, 2nd round of testing at Vision Therapy.  Went well :) They were able to run some tests that they were unable to run at all during first testing.  Go again Thursday for 2nd day of it.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

All together - Bible review, catechism review and devotion


  • Handwriting - making an outline
  • Math - 9E
  • English - lesson 38
  • Reading Comprehension - Easter Lillies
  • Science - How to Form Good Health Habits - 100% on lesson


  • Handwriting
  • Math - 22F
  • Read aloud - H is for Hippo
  • Abeka - page 115


  • Handwriting
  • Math - 4B
  • Language Arts- past tense verbs
  • Reading Comprehension - Ruby the Copycat

Friday, October 26, - Fall Field Trip

Today we went on a field trip to Oak Mountain State park.  The girls had a great time.  We got to go on a nature walk, the animal rescue, the petting farm, pumpkin decorating and fun fellowship with friends.  It was a lot of fun!!! We were able to learn all about the animal bird rescue and were able to see the baby birds in the nursery.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

All together:

  • Bible
  • Handwriting


  • English - lesson 37
  • Math - 9D


  • Math - lesson 4A
  • Language Arts - past tense verbs
  • Science - magnets


  • Spelling - writing words
  • Math
  • Abeka

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22, 2012 (50 days of school!!)

All together:
  • Bible - review catechisms and verses.  Continued learning 1 John 4:11
  • Geography - started learning about Massachusetts and reviewed first 4 states

  • Math - 9A
  • Science - lesson SOS food groups (how to build a healthy body)
  • English - lesson 34
  • Spanish review

  • Math - 3D
  • Language Arts - have, has had - lesson 4
  • Language Lessons - 
  • Time4Learning - science (force and motion - magnetism) and social studies (recognizing map symbols)

  • Handwriting
  • Read Alouds - G is for Giraffe (coloring sheet)
  • Math - 22B
  • Abeka - page 109

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012 (49 days of school)


  • Handwriting copy work
  • Math
  • Bible - finish lesson 5 of unit 
  • SOS - quiz on food 
  • Spelling city - new spelling list


  • Abeka - page 107
  • Math - 22A - counting by 5s
  • Handwriting
  • Reading Eggs - skills bank


  • Math - 3C
  • Language Arts - Verbs have and had
  • handwriting
  • reading

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bible - review and read out of I Kings about how powerful God's words are.
Also started new verse: I John 4:11


  • English - lesson 33 (plural nouns not ending with S)
  • Math - 8E
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Science
  • Handwriting / Writing -Copywork from E Day; Editor in Chief Corrections from E Day


  • Math - 21F
  • Abeka - page 105-106
  • Read Alouds - F is for Fox
  • Handwriting - letters and spacing
  • Reading Eggs - lesson En and Eg


  • Handwriting - b and b
  • Reading Comprehension - Sarah and Her Kittens
  • Spelling - writing words again and studying for test
  • Language Lessons - verb review, noun review and pronoun review
  • Math - 3B
  • Time 4Learning - Social Studies and Science

Wednesday, October 17. 2012

Sick today so having to do school while in bed.  Girls were so cooperative.


  • Reading Comprehension - 3 Christmas Gifts
  • English - finishing lession 32
  • Math - 8C
  • Science - 


  • math - 21D
  • Handwriting - correct spacing and neatness
  • Abeka - oral evaluation and reading


  • Language Arts - verbs have and has
  • Math - 3A
  • Time4Learning - Science and Social Studies

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

E had enrichment today - Spanish, Writing, Art and music

The girls did art today.  We made a pumpkin patch with construction paper and glued it on a piece of card stock   We talked about how all pumpkins are different just like we are.


  • Math F
  • Language Arts - types of sentences
  • Handwriting


  • Math - 21C
  • Abeka - page 100
  • Handwriting

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012


  • Math
  • English
  • Writing
  • Spanish review


  • Math
  • Language Arts
  • Spelling


  • Math
  • Abeka

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

All together: Bible review


  • Math - 2D
  • Dollars and Cents
  • Scholastics - maps (the globe and the earth)
  • Time 4 Learning - science (wetlands)


  • Math - 8A
  • Mathematical Reasoning
  • Scholastic - maps (understanding directions)


  • Math - 21B
  • Abeka - page 99
  • Scholastic - above and below and full and empty
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 75

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 13 of light therapy at home with P.  She has had mostly good days. Some days she is having some meltdowns but all in all, she has been doing pretty good with it.

All together

  • Bible verse review and finishing up with Maryland


  • Handwriting
  • Math - Math 7 Test
  • Science - lesson on growing
  • English lesson 31 - singular and plural nouns
  • Reading Comprehension


  • Math - 21A
  • Handwriting - practice writing words
  • Abeka - page 97 
  • Reading Eggs Spelling Test - only missed 1


  • Math - last review sheet in Alpha (received certificate)
  • Language Arts - types of sentences

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

All together:

  • Bible, handwriting, geography (postcard about Maryland) and put our animals on our animal board


  • Math - 7E
  • English - lesson 30 review
  • science - quiz 3 
  • History Stories for Children - reading comprehension


  • Abeka - page 95
  • scholastic review - opposites (big and small)
  • Math - 20F
  • Reading Eggs spelling lesson 


  • Math - review sheet
  • Language Arts - types of sentences
  • Beautiful Stories for Children Reading comprehension
  • Spelling from story

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


  • Enrichment day today.  She did Spanish, Music, Writing and Art.  Had a great day!


  • math and handwriting


  • math and handwriting

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

We took a few days off to go camping and enjoy the first few days of Fall with our Fall Break.  It was absolutely wonderful!!

All together

  • Bible - verse review, catechisms, and new verse: Romans 12:10 (learning about Gentleness)
  • Geography - review states so far and start working on Maryland, along with starting to learn about the world


  • Handwriting - practicing filling out forms
  • Math - 7D
  • English - lesson 29


  • Handwriting - reviewing the cursive she has learned so far
  • Language Arts - pronouns
  • Math - 1F (starting Beta)
  • Reading comprehension - The First Christmas
  • Science - animals grow and change


  • Handwriting - v, w
  • Math - 20E
  • Abeka - page 93
  • Read Aloud - D is for Dolphin with coloring page
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 74

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Review all Bible verses, handwriting, and Bible.


  • Abeka
  • Cutting out shapes 


  • Language Arts - pronouns day 3
  • Geography - cutting out hemispheres


  • Math - 7B
  • English - Lesson 28
  • Science

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

After light therapy this morning, we finally got started on school.

  • We reviewed the books of the Bible, catechisms and our Bible Verses.  We are just reviewing and not adding new verse this week.
  • Also went over the states and reviewed what we have learned.
  • Girls wrote postcards and colored their flags and put their stamps in their passport. They enjoy coloring all the pictures with their states.

  • Handwriting
  • Math - 7A
  • English - lesson 27
  • Science - lesson on animals

  • Math
  • Handwriting
  • Abeka

  • Math - review sheet
  • Handwriting - review cursive letters we have learned so far
  • Language Arts - learning pronouns

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012 (Day 37 of School)

Day 3 of at home therapy.  Going well.  Back at home and trying to get school done.

All together: Prayer, Bible, handwriting, review books of the Bible


  • Language Arts - Verb review, page 5 review
  • Math - review sheets
  • Reading Comprehension - Our Alphabet


  • Handwriting - had to write some blessings for being homeschooled
  • English - beginning unit 2, Building with Nouns and Pronouns, lesson 26
  • Math - Unit test for lessons 1-6
  • Reading Comprehension - The Shepherd Boy and the Giant
  • Science - How Animals are Different Lesson


  • Abeka - page 84-85
  • Math - 20B

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, September 27 , 2012 (day 11 of SLP)

Day 11 - almost done with SLP! P had a headache last night and some stomach aches. Hyper at ties but all in all well.

Field trip today for school. We went to see cirque alys Ariel music. Was very interesting. Learned about several instruments. The earth heart, drum cloud, drumbrella, aquatar, and others. Also got to watch some Ariel artists perform. Girls enjoyed it!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 10 of therapy. Ready for some structure for our school day. Almost there!


  • Science - lesson on animals. Had to reassign entire lesson because she failed quiz. Redoing today with more explanation.  
  • Math - review page
  • Geography - reviewing 32 capitals of states 
  • Spelling city - new list


  • Math review page
  • Time for learning for science and social studies 


  • Math review page
  • Reading eggs for spelling and reading lesson 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Therapy going well. No problems as of lately. A little eye pain periodically but nothing major.


  • Enrichment was today. 
  • Spanish, writing, music and art. 


  • Math review sheet  - all by herself 
  • Handwriting 
  • Bible


  • Math review
  • Abeka
  • Handwriting 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012 (day 8 of SLP)

Therapy over the weekend went great! No problems or eye pain. Today is day 8.

School all together:

  • Bible, state review, books of the Bible, handwriting


  • Spanish - review all 3 vocabulary sheets
  • Math - test 6 (19/20)
  • English - unit 1 test (49/50)
  • Science - lesson "Animals and the Environment" lesson all right


  • Reading - aloud
  • Math - 25C
  • Scholastic - Verbs day 2


  • Abeka - page 83
  • Math - 19E and 19Fx
  • Nature Reader - B for Beetle

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

P got up 3 times in the night complaining of eyes burning and also had one nightmare 😔.  Day 5 of treatment - both treatments went well.  Complained of eye pain so we used sunglasses to see if that would help.

Worked on geography for school today.  Went over states and capitals of the states.  Reviewed all of our Bible verses and girls worked on handwriting.  Also did some math games instead of sheets today.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012 (day 4 of SLP)

Last night P woke up complaining of eye pain and burning. Gave Tylenol before treatment this morning.

Bible - review 3 verses and catechisms.


  • English - poem review and studying over unit 1 for test
  • Math - 6E
  • Scholastic - reading comprehension (galaxies), reading skills test, maps


  • Going over shapes and colors and numbers
  • Math - review skip counting by 10, 19B
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 73


  • Language Arts - verbs
  • Scholastic book - reading comprehension (Neil Armstrong), reading skills lesson, grammar, math page

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 3 of SLP. P was more active on bed during treatment. Went well though.

All girls got math, language arts, English, Bible, and handwriting done.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

P had a rough morning. Crying fits over clothes and hair and food. Pushed through and made it through both therapy sessions.

E had enrichment - Spanish, writing, music and art

G did abeka work.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012 (Day 1 of SLP)

P started SLP this morning.  That stands for Sensory Learning Program with Snider Vision Therapy Centers this morning.  She has to go twice a day for 12 days in a row for 30 minutes at a time. This part of therapy consists of the SLP room.  She has to lay on a bed that moves, in a dark room with music in her ears and lights above her head.  This is supposed to reprogram the way her eyes and ears teem together while processing information.  Going to be a long road but truly feel this will be life changing.

All together:

  • Bible, review catechisms and new verse : Colossians 3:23
  • Geography Review


  • Math - 6D
  • Mathematical Reasoning - money problems
  • Grammar - lesson 25 part 1 oral review
  • Reading Comprehension - History Stories for Children (The Girl Who Gathered Barley) with questions
  • Science - Test on unit of plants - scored 97 :)


  • Language Arts - pg 28, verbs (day 1)
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Scholastic - 2nd grade curriculum book (maps, grammar telling sentences)


  • Math - 18E
  • Abeka - page 74-75

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

All together:
Bible - review all
Spanish - beginning learning words


  • Math - 6C
  • Spelling City - spelling test scored 100%
  • English - lesson 25 review


  • Handwriting - O and P, practice writing names
  • Phonics - 
  • Math - 18C


  • Handwriting - g and q
  • Math review sheet
  • Language Arts - simple sentences

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

All together:

  • Bible - review books of the Bible, and verse review, catechism review
  • Geography - finish Maine and review continents
  • Lesson 2 - God created the world Lap Book

Math - 6B
English - Checking spelling lesson 24
Science - redo lesson

Handwriting - practice o and l and d
Language Arts - simple sentences
Math - review pages

Handwriting - M and N
ABeka - page 67-69
Math - 18C
Reading Eggs Spelling Lesson 11 - scored perfect!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


  • Bible - review books, catechisms and verse
  • coloring sheet on armor of God and review days of creation
  • Geography - World and Maine review


  • Handwriting - L
  • Abeka - page 63-65
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 71


  • Handwriting - lowercase o and c
  • Language Arts - simple sentences, lesson1 
  • Math - reviewing sheets
  • Reading Comprehension - Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat


  • Math - 6A (dividing by 9)
  • Handwriting - making smaller words out of one big word, and wrote verse
  • English - lesson 23
  • LA - on time 4 learning - tornadoes

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today E started a co-op.  She went from 9-1:20.  Subjects include Spanish, Writing, Music and Art.  She loved it!!!

P and G did gardening with their Nana.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

All together:

  • Bible - review catechisms, verse from last week, read story from Genesis, and started new verse Psalm 139:14
  • Geography - review Connecticut, Delaware and start learning about Maine
  • Worked some more on our World Lap Book


  • English - lesson 22
  • Math - 5C and 5D, word problems (#66-70)
  • Math Test #5 - scored 100
  • Reading Comprehension - History Stories for Children - The Boy Who Dreamed and questions
  • Science - lesson 


  • T4L - Social Studies (Compare and contrast locations), Science (wetland habitat)
  • Spelling city - 
  • Math - 30F, abeka (page 23)
  • Handwriting - a and d in cursive


  • Math - lesson 18A
  • Abeka - page 57-61 (including evaluation - scored perfect)
  • Handwriting - K's
  • Reading Eggs Spelling lesson 10

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

All together

  • Bible - verse review, books of the Bible, along with creation poem, lesson 4


  • Abeka - page 53 - 55
  • Math - 17F
  • Handwriting - J practice
  • Reading Eggs - spelling and lesson 71


  • Handwriting - i, t, e, and l review in cursive
  • LA - page 23, capitalize names and places
  • Math - 30E


  • Math - 5B
  • English - lesson 21
  • Science - lesson

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

All together

  • Bible - review books, verse and catechisms
  • Geography - started learning continents and oceans and creating Creation Lap Book
  • Handwriting


  • Phonics - Abeka page 49-51
  • Math - 17E , skip counting by 2s
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 70 review (only missed 2)
  • reading eggs - spelling lesson 9 and test (only missed 1)


  • Math - MUS (Beta 1C), (Alpha 30D)
  • LA - writing proper nouns with capital letters
  • LL - verb review
  • Spelling city

  • English - lesson 20, contractions
  • Math - new lesson #5
  • Science - experiment on root hairs 
  • Spelling city - flashcards

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

All together

  • Geography: review Connecticut and Delaware and did post card for Delaware
  • Bible - review verse, books of the Bible, catechisms and lesson 2


  • Handwriting - page 15
  • Math - 4F, test #4 (scored 100%)
  • Spelling City
  • English - lesson 19


  • Handwriting - changed curriculum, doing lowercase I and L
  • Math - lesson 30C
  • LA - day 2 of capitalizing proper nouns
  • Spelling City


  • Math - 17D
  • Handwriting - page 30-31 (G and H)
  • ABeka - oral evalutation (page 47), page 48
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 70

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

All together

  • Bible - books of the Bible review, Unit 4, Lesson 1, review catechism 1-8, work on #9,
  • start memorizing Psalm 19:14: "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer"
  • Prayer
  • Pledge


  • Math 4E, word problems (58-64), Critical thinking pg 21 (parallel and perpendicular lines)
  • Handwriting pg 14
  • Spelling - Practice Test
  • English - lesson 18, quotations
  • Science - quiz 2 (B)


  • Math - 30B, Abeka page 20
  • Handwriting - beginning cursive lowercase a
  • Spelling lesson 5
  • LA - proper nouns
  • Reading comprehension - Ducky
  • T4L - Pond habitat for Science, SS - wants and needs


  • Math - 17C
  • Handwriting - practice F, also start writing verse
  • ABeka - page 44 - 45
  • Phonics - working on blends, lesson 7
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 69
  • Reading Eggs - spelling lesson 9

Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012

Together - Bible: review catechisms, books of the Bible


  • 17 B - skip counting by 2s
  • ABeka - page 41
  • Handwriting


  • Math - 30A
  • LA


  • Math - 4D
  • Science - Plant Growth
  • LA - Hurricane unit and test - 100%

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thursday, August 30. 2012

Everyone is kind of puny today. So thankful we are all home and able to take school slowly between all the coughs and breaks :)

Abeka - page 37-39
Math - 17A

Math - 29E
Bible - lesson 4, unit 2; and review catechisms
LA - pg 19 - common nouns

English - lesson 17: writing quotations

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 (day 16)


  • Prayer
  • Pledge
  • Bible - review catechisms, review books of Bible
  • Geography - review Connecticut, and Delaware


  • Handwriting - page 21 (beginning cursive moves)
  • LA - page 18
  • Math - 29E and 29F
  • LL - review state of being verbs
  • Reading Comprehension - The Gingerbread Man read and took quiz:
  • T4L - science


  • Handwriting - page 26 (D)
  • Phonics - review vowels, consonants, and lesson 7 in Saxon
  • Math - 16F
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 68


  • English - lesson 16: Quotations and quotation marks
  • Math - lesson 4C, Critical Thinking page 18
  • Spelling - alphabetize words
  • Science - quiz 1, B+
  • Writing - began to learn how to do creative writing  

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


  • Spelling - write new words, 2 times
  • Math - lesson 4B
  • English - lesson 15


  • Spelling - page 14
  • LA - page 17, common nouns
  • Handwriting - page 20

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

All together - Bible (review books, lesson 1, verse review, catechisms 6-8), Geography - Delaware


  • Handwriting 
  • Math - Test 3 (missed 1), lesson 4A, Critical Thinking (page 9-10)
  • English - Lesson 14: Reviewing what you have learned
  • Science - Plant Parts


  • Handwriting - starting slants for cursive
  • Math - Test 28, Abeka Page 17-18
  • LA - Page 16: Common Nouns
  • Spelling - pg 13, new list
  • Science - T4L

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

All together - Bible (review catechisms, and all of old testament books)


  • Math - 16E
  • Handwriting - C's
  • Abeka - page 31 and 33
  • Phonics - review of consonants and vowels
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 68


  • Handwriting - page 12, antonymns
  • English - Lesson 13: Telling, Asking, Commanding, And Exclaiming Sentences
  • Spelling - Spelling Test
  • Math - 3D, Word Problems, Critical Thinking
  • Science - Experiment and Lesson


  • Handwriting - writing paragraph (Matthew 22:37-40
  • LA
  • LL - Verb review, action verbs, linking verbs
  • Math - 27A, 29D
  • Spelling Test
  • Science - Time4Learning

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Together - Prayer, Bible, Connecticut review


  • Handwriting
  • English - Lesson 12
  • Math - 3C, Word Problems 48-49, Critical Thinking 2-3
  • Science


  • Handwriting
  • LA - Commands and Exclamations
  • LL - Action Verbs
  • Math - 29C
  • Science - Time4Learning


  • Phonics - working with short and long vowels
  • Abeka - page 27-29
  • Math - 16C and 16D
  • Spelling - working first group of spelling words
  • Reading 
  • Reading Eggs lesson 67

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012 (Day 11)

All together - Bible (review books of Bible through Job, Lesson 4 and review of catechisms 1-5)
Prayer and Pledge

  • Handwriting
  • Spelling - alphabetize words
  • English - lesson 11 commanding sentences & exclamations
  • Math - 3B (MUS), Word Problems (48-49), critical thinking (page 2-3)
  • Science - SOS next lesson
  • Handwriting
  • Spelling - next lesson
  • Language Arts - pg 13 : Exclamations and commands
  • Math - lesson 29B (MUS)

  • Handwriting
  • Math - 16B
  • Phonics - lesson 6 (long E)
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 65

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012

All together - Bible (books reviewed in order) along with reading Luke 10:25-27, Matthew 5:16, Prayer, Pledge, Review of Connecticut and the capital


  • Math - 2 Quiz - missed only 1
  • Math - Critical Thinking page 1
  • Math - Singapore Word Problems #46, 47
  • English - Lesson 10 - Subjects & Predicates in Asking Sentences
  • Spelling - new list, wrote list twice
  • Handwriting - page 9 (minuteman, oatmeal)


  • Phonics - Abeka page 21
  • Handwriting - Writing upper and lowercase A's
  • Math - 16A
  • Reading Eggs - lesson 64


  • LA  - page 12, Exclamations and Commands
  • Math - Test 27
  • Handwriting - page 12
  • LL - review pronouns and start on verbs
  • Spelling - Lesson 3, page 9

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

All together: Prayer, Pledge, and prayer requests

  • Bible - learning first 8 books of the Bible, Unit 2 - lesson 2 (How can we glorify God)
  • Road Trip - Connecticut (review) and new parts bird and fish


  • Handwriting - page 7, writing eagle, tuba, leak, heart
  • English - lesson 9, Asking Sentences
  • Math - 2B
  • SOS Science Experiment - Taste Test


  • Handwriting - page 18 & 19, practice writing words sing, act, dance, shout
  • Abeka - page 19
  • Math - 15F


  • Handwriting - page 11, writing sentences, practicing spacing
  • Spelling - Test on unit 1 - scored perfect!
  • Math - lesson 29A
  • Time4Learning - Science lesson and Social Studies

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

All together:

  • Prayer
  • Pledge
  • Bible - Tower of Babel, review of first 3 catechisms, learning next 2
  • Road Trip USA - Connecticut (spelling, abbreviation, flag, capital)


  • Handwriting - pg
  • English - lesson 8 (review 1-7)
  • Math - 2A (starting division)
  • SOS - Science, next lesson


  • Handwriting - WWP, page 10
  • Math - MUS - page 28F, Abeka 15
  • LL - pronouns
  • LA - page 11 questions
  • T4L - Science - food chain


  • Handwriting - ITB - page 17, 2M - page 17
  • Math - 15E
  • Abeka Letters - page 17
  • Reading Eggs = lesson 63

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012


  • Spelling Test
  • English - lesson 7 (2 subjects, 2 predicates)
  • Math - Test #1
  • Reading
  • Road Trip USA - White House, Pledge, Flag, Statue of Liberty


  • LA - lesson 4, questions
  • Spelling - lesson 2, rewriting words
  • Math 28E
  • Road Trip - White House, Pledge, Flag, Statue of Liberty
  • Reading


  • Phonics worksheet 4
  • Math - 15D
  • Abeka - pg 13-15
  • Reading

Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

E, P & G - finish unit 1, lesson 5.  Finished lesson 2 for G's book also reading about Enoch.


  • Handwriting - page 5, (a and i review for cursive)
  • Spelling - figured out the spelling book we have is for 4th grade and too hard.  Created a new list for her and she will begin work on it for next week
  • English - lesson 6 (sentence parts and beginning diagramming for simple subject and simple predicate)
  • Math - 1F
  • Science - SOS, experiment on Breathing and next lesson


  • Handwriting - pg 9, capitalization
  • Spelling - page 6-7, (i, o, u - short sounds)
  • LA - pg 9, questions
  • Math - 28C and 2 pages in ABeka
  • Science - T4L, families and life cycles
  • Social Studies - T4L, wants and needs


  • Reading Eggs - leson 62, up and ut
  • Phonics (Abeka), pg 11, review vowels and consonants
  • Math - 15C
  • Handwriting - circles and slants

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

E, P, G - Bible lesson 4


  • English - lesson 4 review about subject and predicate and alphabetical order along with lesson 5 (Telling Sentences)
  • Math - 1E
  • Science - SOS lesson 2, Quiz 1 100%


  • LA - Questions and telling sentences, page 8
  • LL - Pronouns
  • Math - Abeka pg 12 & 13, MUS 28B
  • Science - Time4Learning - lesson 1


  • Phonics - lesson 3
  • Abeka Letters - page 9
  • Math - 15B
  • Reading Eggs (and, the, to)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

E, P & G - Bible - Luke 1:39-80, Catechism 1-3


  • Handwriting - page 4 (worked on lower r's)
  • Math - lesson 1D
  • English - lesson 4
  • Spelling - lesson 3
  • Reading - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • Science - SOS lesson 2


  • Handwriting - page 8
  • Language Lessons - pronouns
  • LA - page 7 telling sentences
  • Math - lesson 28A and pg 11 in Abeka
  • Spelling - lesson 2, page 5
  • Reading - Magic Treehouse, book 1


  • Handwriting - ITB (In The Beginning Curriculum), page 15, 3M - page 14
  • Math - 15A
  • Phonics - vowels
  • Abeka - letter E, page 7-8

Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Did school with P and G separate than E.  Worked a little better.  We are going to get into full swing of things by next week hopefully.  Hitting all core subjects for now.  Proud of my girls.  Got to get pictures taken of each of them too to hang up for first day.  To come shortly, .. hopefully. ...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wow!! My baby turns 9 today!!! So hard to believe it has been 9 years ago that I became a mom.  I never imagined in a million years that I would have 3 beautiful little girls and homeschooling them all.

School looked a little different today but we were able to get the core subjects in and it went a little better.  Hoping over the next week or so we will have a set in routine for us all.

Monday, July 30, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like School Again :) - along with the Olympics :)

Well today was the first day of school for us.  E started 3rd grade, P started 2nd grade and G started kindergarten.  So unreal!!! These first few weeks are going to be trial and error on my part until we can figure out what works.  Today went okay but already saw how some things are going to have to change in order to be the most productive we can.

E, P & G
USA Geography & History
Grammar / Phonics

The curriculum we are using this year is new for us so those adjustments have to be taken into effect too.
Bible - Christian Liberty Press
Handwriting - Christian Liberty Press
Grammar - 3rd grade is Rod & Staff, 2nd grade is Language Lessons volume 2 along with Scholastic
Phonics - A Beka and Saxon
Math - mathusee along with some A Beka for 2nd grade for P
Spelling - E: Building Spelling Skills bk 4, P: Purposeful design Spelling (grade 2)
Science - SOS for E and TIme4learning for P
Art (when we get to it) How Great Thou Art
Geography & History - Road Trip USA & Expedition Earth by
Reading - using books from Christian Liberty Press
Creative Writing - Write one for P and E

Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 25, 2012 END OF SCHOOL!!!!!! (169 days of school completed)

We did it!!!! We completed 2nd grade, 1st grade and 4k!!!! So very proud of my girls!!!! We are going to take a short break for a couple of weeks and pick back up and keep on moving forward!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


  • Math - final test in Gamma
  • Test Prep - review mistakes from ones missed on test
  • Time4Learning
    • LA 
    • LA Ext

  • Math - unit 2 in lifepac
    • Lesson 26B 
    • She is doing so much better!
  • Bible - started last lifepac unit 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


  • Math - lesson 30 test
  • Test Prep - final test 2


  • Math - 26 B

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012


  • Math - lesson 25B and C, along with Lifepac unit test 1
  • Bible - finished lifepac unit 9


  • Math - lesson 30C
  • Test Prep - activity sheet 118, 119, 120 and review test 6
  • Time4Learning
    • LA Ext - light
    • LA - Comprehension - sequential order

Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012


  • Reading Eggs - spelling lesson 33
  • Bible - Jesus and the Little Children
  • Math - Lesson 25 A and some of the LifePac unit 1


  • Time4Learning
    • LA Ext
    • LA
  • Math - lesson 30A
  • Test Prep - review test and 2 more pages... closer to finishing!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


  • Math test 29 - only missed 1 and it was careless ;)
  • Test Prep - Activity sheet 114, 115
  • Time4Learning - LA and LA Ext (quizzes)


  • Math - Lifepac 1 for first grade and lesson 24E
  • Bible - Children of New Testament - Unit 9
  • ReadingEggs - Spelling Elephants (lesson 33)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012


  • Test Prep - Activity sheet 112-114
  • Math - 29B
  • Online LA Ext and LA


  • Math - lesson 24D / also pages out of Unit 1 LifePac
  • Bible - Lydia

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012


  • Math - did lesson 24 on subtracting from 10 - she did very good.  also worked on some simple addition and subtraction for review
  • Bible - Anna (Women of New Testament)
  • Spelling - through Reading Eggs
  • Reading - 20 minutes


  • Math - lesson 29A (prime and composites)
  • Test Prep - Activity Sheet 111 and 112
  • LA Ext - time4learning
  • LA - time4learning

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 201


  • Math - Lesson 28 Test - missed 3 (word problems were the struggle)
  • Test Prep - activity seheet 109 & 110
  • Reading
  • Online Work


  • Math - lesson 23D, and pages in LifePac unit 1
  • Bible - Women of new testament
  • Reading

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


  • Math - lesson 28B
  • Test Prep - review test 3
  • Reading - 30 minutes


  • Math - 23E
  • Bible - Stephen and self test 1
  • Phonics - au digraph

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012


  • Test Prep - 3 worksheets
  • Math - lesson 28A (multiplying 3digits by 3 digits)
  • Reading - finished a book in one week!!! So proud!!!


  • Math- lesson 23F
  • Bible - Thomas
  • Spelling - reading eggs and quiz (only missed 1)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012


  • Math - test 23 - mssed only 1
  • Bible - finished lesson Lazarus
  • Spelling
  • Reading


  • Math - test 27 - missed only 1
  • Test Prep - review test and next activity page
  • Reading
  • Spelling

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012


  • Math - lesson 27C
  • Test Prep - activity sheet 103 and 104
  • Reading - 30 minutes


  • Bible - new testament stories
  • Math - lesson 23B
  • LA - alphabetical order
  • Reading - 20 minutes

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


  • Math - 27 B
  • Test Prep - Activity sheet 101 and 102
  • Online Work


  • Math - sheet 23A (subtracting doubles)
  • Bible - worksheet for church
  • LA - alphabetizing
  • Online work

We also went to library yesterday and picked out new reading books for the girls.  Each one, including G, are reading 20-30 minutes a day.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012 (155 days)

Last day of April - one more day closer to being done!!!


  • Math lesson 27A
  • Test prep - review test 1, missed 0
  • Reading - online 30 minutes, 1 book, missed only 1 on quiz
  • Online work for LA Ext and LA


  • Math - review along with adding new lesson of subtracting doubles
  • LA - placement exam for lifepac
  • Bible - neighborhood and school missionaries
  • Reading - online
  • Spelling - reading eggs

Friday, April 27, 2012

Reading 30 minutes and taking quiz - missed only 2
Math - test 26 - missed 0
Test prep - activity sheet 100

Math - pages on adding and subtracting 8 and 9

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012


  • Math tests 18 and 19
  • Time4learning
  • Science - Solid earth 
  • Bible - Missionaries


  • Test Prep - next 2 lessons
  • Math - 26E
  • Time4Learning
  • LA Ext - sound
  • LA - comprehension / main idea
  • Reading eggs - 30 mins

Monday, April 23, 2012


  • Math - 22E
  • Language Arts - rewriting some sentences from story
  • Bible - Bible translators
  • Reading Eggs - spelling and reading
  • Time4learning - science - Jane Goodall


  • Math - lesson 26A
  • Test Prep - Activity sheet 95 and 96
  • Grammar - pronouns I and me
  • Time4Learning
  • LA Ext - Sound - "What's that Sound"
  • LA - Comprehension - Main Idea

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

  • Math - lesson 26C
  • Test Prep - practice test 24 - missed 0

  • Math - caught up on some past tests also did new sheet of subtracting 8
  • Bible - Radio Missionaries
  • Online work

Monday, April 23, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012


  • Math - 25 Review
  • Reading -30 minutes
  • Grammar


  • Language Arts - writing prep
  • Bible
  • Handwriting
  • Math- adding and subtracting 8

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


  • Math - test 25 
  • Grammar - Day 2 Pronouns I and me
  • Test Prep - activity sheet 93
  • Reading Eggspress - reading and quiz on book


  • Math  - adding and subtracting 8 - reviewed 9 and still has it :)
  • Language Arts - words with multiple meanings
  • Handwriting - J, d and b
  • Reading Eggspress
    • reading and quiz
    • Spelling
  • Time4learning
    • Science Earth Science and Thunderstorms

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


  • Math - 25E
  • Time4Learning 
    • LA Ext - Sound lesson 1
    • LA - Comprehension Plot and quiz
  • Reading Eggspress - read for 30 minutes


  • Math - practice page on adding and subtracting 8
  • Time4Learning
    • Science - classifying animals
  • Reading Eggs
    • spelling
    • Read for 20 minutes and test on book

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012 (day 147)


  • Math - lesson 25E
  • Time for learning:
    • LA Ext - Symbols and Keys lesson 2
    • LA - Comprehension - Plot Lesson 2
  • Grammar - Pronouns I and Me
  • Test Prep - Practice test 23
  • Reading Eggs - reading 30 minutes


  • Math - 22 B and review adding 9 and 8
  • Language Arts - multiple meaning words
  • Bible - Paul, God's servant
  • Writing - practices letters J and d and b
  • Time for Learning - Science
  • Reading Eggs - reading 20 minutes

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012 - Nature Study

Today was nature study at Aldridge Gardens in Hoover.  The girls were able to walk around the lake and we were able to see all kinds of trees and flowers.  We were also able to see baby turtles and fish.  The girls had so much fun walking around and seeing nature.  Beautiful day God blessed us with!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012


  • Reading Eggs 
    • Spelling lesson 30
    • Reading -20 minutes (The Frog's Kiss)
  • Math - adding / subtracting 8
  • Language Arts- Homophones
  • Bible - Stephen, God's Martyr
  • Science - TimeforLearning -  Amphibians


  • Math -lesson 24
  • Grammar - verb / tense agreement day 5
  • Test Prep - activity sheet 91 and 92
  • Time for Learning
    • LA Ext - Symbols and Keys
    • LA - Comprehension Studies / Plot of Story
    • Math - money 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


  • Math 25B - multiplying 3 digits by 2 digits
  • Test Prep - activity sheet 90
  • Grammar - 
  • Time4Learning 
  • Reading Eggs - reading a book online


  • Math - started subtracting 8
  • Language Arts - antonyms and synonyms
  • Bible
  • Science - ants & armadillos and quiz
  • Spelling - reading eggs

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


  • Time for learning
    • LA Ext - Maps and globes: chapter quiz (missed 0)
    •  LA - Think Aloud comprehension / Setting Test (missed 0)
    • Social Studies - Community Helpers - Quiz\
  • Math - Lesson 25A
  • Test prep - activity sheet 89
  • Grammar - verb tense agreement day 2 sheet


  • Time for learning
    • Science - Animals in the ocean - Quiz
  • Language Arts- Antonyms
  • Bible - God calls you to be a missionary

Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

Today was too pretty to do school inside so outside we went :) Enjoying the beautiful weather and God's creation - nothing makes home school better than days like today.


  • Math - we did 2 worksheets
  • Handwriting - copying spacing correctly
  • Bible - Jesus will come again
  • Language Arts - Synonyms


  • Math and Handwriting


  • Math - test 24 - only missed 2
  • Grammar - pas tense / present tense verbs
  • Test prep book - practice test 22
  • Time 4 learning - la ext and la

Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012 - Good Friday


  • Bible - Jesus Rose story
  • Language Arts - review unit on comparative adjectives
  • Math - rewriting problems on 9 facts again


  • Math - lesson 24C
  • Test Prep - full length test 1
  • Grammar - Day 5 on capitalizing 
  • Time4Learning - LA ext and LA

Thursday, April 5, 2012


  • Math - rewriting all of our problems with 9 facts
  • Language Arts - Comparative Adjectives (adding -er and -est)
  • Bible - Jesus Died lesson
  • Reading Eggs - read one book and answered all questions correctly
  • Spelling - reading eggs lesson 28 (first half)


  • Math - lesson 24B
  • Grammar - capitalizing titles and initials day 2
  • Test Prep - activity sheet 87 & 88
  • Time 4 Learning

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bible - going over the story of Easter.


  • Math - flashcards and rewriting number families
  • Grammar - pronouns I and Me
  • Bible - Jesus made the deaf man hear
  • Reading Eggs - spelling


  • Math - lesson 24A (multiplying double digits)
  • Grammar - capitalize titles and initials
  • Test Prep - activity sheet 85 
  • Time4Learning - LA ext and LA

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


  • Test Prep - practice test 21 - missed 0
  • Grammar - day 5 sheet, commas in a letter
  • Math - lesson 23 C and test - missed 0


  • Math - flashcards
  • Bible - Jesus made the blind man see
  • Grammar - Irregular plural nouns ( using spectrum books for grammar)

Monday, April 2, 2012


  • Language Arts - Irregular Plural nouns
  • math - number families and flashcards
  • Bible - unit 7 self test 1
  • Science - time4learning


  • Grammar - Writing a letter using commas
  • Math - Lesson 23 B
  • Test Prep - Activity sheet 84
  • Social studies & science - time 4 learning

Monday, April 2, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Math - We worked just 4 number families again over and over again
Language Arts - plural nouns
Reading Eggs - spelling words
Reading - Junie B Jones

Math - lesson 23 D
Test Prep - activity sheet 82
Grammar - day 2 of commas
Word Problems - question 34 and 35

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


  • Test Prep - Practice test 20 (missed 0)
  • Grammar - finished sensory adjectives and started commas
  • Math - test 22 -  missed 1
  • Word Problems - 4 problems, all right
  • Time 4 Learning


  • Math - worked 3 family of numbers to try and help her understand (9+6=15, 9+3=12, 9+8=17)
  • Bible - Jesus Did Special Things
  • LA - plurals
  • Reading Eggs

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Each girl accomplished reading, math, and language arts.
After the core subjects were completed, they received a lesson in planting flowers with Nana.  They had so much fun and are so excited to see if / when they grow!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Zoo Day!!! Today we went on field trip to the zoo and learned so much about all the animals. The girls were so interested in all the reptiles.  We learned about all the monkeys and the all the baby animals. Such a fun and beautiful day enjoying God's creation.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Last week was spring break and it was great to take some time off but I am paying for it today! Hard to get back in the swing of things.  Decided to continue some school throughout the summer at least 2 mornings a week. Struggle for a Monday but I know this is God's plan and He will bless it!!!


  • Math - lesson 22B
  • Test prep - activity sheet 77 and 78
  • LA - sensory adjectives and writing sentences identifying the adjectives and verbs
  • Math - word problems 
  • Time 4 Learning - maps & globes, comprehension characters


  • Math - lesson 21E and also flash cards and drill page online
  • Bible - unit 7 - Jesus told special stories
  • Spelling online with Reading eggs

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012 (St. Patrick's Day Study)

Today we studied the history of what St. Patrick's Day is and why we celebrate it.  Then we colored shamrocks and made a paper plate wreath to hang up for the day.  The girls had fun!

Math - new lesson 22 A
Test Prep - Activity sheet 75 and 76 along with practice test 19

Math - unit test (80/100)
LA - past tense verbs

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012


  • Grammar - Sensory Adjectives
  • Test Prep - Activity sheet 73
  • Math - Test 21 - missed 0!!!
  • Time 4 Learning - LA Extensions and her quizzes from this section


  • Phonics - [tion and oa saying "a"
  • Bible - unit 7 - Jesus Talked to People
  • Math - lesson 21E
  • LA - past tense verbs with "d" and "ed"

Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - Nature Study

Nature Study
The girls were so excited to be able to start Nature Study back with Ms. Cathy.  They went back to Inverness Trails and walked looking for mushrooms and salamanders.
After no luck finding the salamanders on the trail the girls were able to get into the creek and luckily found one in the creek. Ms. Cathy went over all the parts of the salamander and their habitat along with the mushroom that Graci found.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


  • Math - lesson 21F and Math Test 21
  • Spelling - planets
  • Test Prep - practice test 18 - missed 1
  • Grammar - last day of contractions to be - missed 1
  • Singapore Word Problems - number 14,15, & 16
  • Reading


  • Math - flashcards and sheet 21C
  • LA - Past Tense: Add "ed"
  • Spelling - planets
  • Reading

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012


  • Handwriting & Bible - verse motto (Proverbs 22:17-18 and Galatians 5)
  • Math - Lesson 21B and an adding sheet on 9s
  • Phonics - Assessment 17 (lesson 85)
  • Language Arts - Past-Tense Verbs - was and were
  • Reading Eggs - Spelling List 26


  • Math - lesson 11C
  • Handwriting and comparing big and small
  • Reading Eggs - learning about V


  • Handwriting & Bible - Proverbs 22:17-18 and Galatians 5
  • Math - lesson 21 D and 21 E
  • Grammar - Contractions with to be
  • Test prep - activity sheet 71 & 72
  • Time for Learning - LA Extensions: Directions, LA Comprehension, Science

Thursday, March 8, 2012

  • Social Studies - Unit 5 Using a Time Line and Unit 5 test (missed 2)
  • Math - Lesson 21D
  • Math - another sheet from lesson 21
  • Language Arts - irregular verbs am, is and are

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


  • Test Prep - Activity sheet 70
  • Grammar - day 2 of contractions with To Be
  • Spelling - first 10 books of Bible
  • Math - 21C
  • Social Studies - Reading a Chart, Chapter Checkup (missed 1)


  • Math - adding 9 and then subtracting the nine 21A
  • Language Arts - Irregular Verbs - am, is, are
  • Phonics - worksheet 84 out of saxon phonics - reading comprehension

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


  • Reading - 20 Mins (Lily and the Runaway Baby)
  • Math - review mistakes from yesterday and do drill pages along with abacus
  • Bible - Wise Men and a Wicked King (Unit 6)
  • LA - Chapter 3 Usage (Subject - Verb agreement)


  • Reading - 30 minutes (The New Kid)
  • Grammar - Contractions with to be
  • LA - Practice Tst 17
  • Social Studies - Celebrating Holidays
  • Math - Lesson 21B

Monday, March 5, 2012


  • Math - lesson 20 F in Math U See
  • LA - putting commas where they belong
  • Bible - The Temple (unit 6)


  • Math - Lesson 21A (regular notation and place value notation in multiplication)
  • Social Studies - Neighbors Celebrate Together
  • Test Prep - Activity sheet 67 & 68
  • Grammar - Irregular verbs assessment (only missed 1)
  • Bible - review Galatians

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012


  • Math - Test 20 [missed 1 95/100 :) ] and Unit Test 3 (missed 2 96/100)
  • Test Prep - Activity sheet 65 & 66
  • Grammar - Day 4 of irregular verbs (give, take and come)
  • Social Studies - Chapter 10 check up - missed 0 :)


  • Math - page 20E and one addition and subtraction page test page - separate - did pretty good and didn't need much help on it.  she did the addition page completely by herself.  only did 
  • Language Arts - Adding apostrophes for ownership
  • Phonics - working on suffixes
  • Reading

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

LEAP DAY - February 29, 2012 (121 Days of School today)

We learned about what Leap year is why it happens. Let girls color pictures and do some activities about it.  We wrote out a fact sheet about each of them we are going to put them up to hopefully remember to look at again on the next leap year.


  • Bible - God's Promised One
  • Math - drill page x 3, one math sheet 20D
  • LA - commas between cities and states


  • Math - lesson 20E
  • Grammar - Practice Test 16
  • Social Studies - using a US Map and finding places on world map
  • Grammar - irregular verbs give, take, and come
  • Test Prep - Practice Test 16

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


  • Math - drills on computer and subtracting by adding up
  • LA - putting commas after day and before year
  • Bible - God's Promises kept
  • Reading


  • LA - present and past tense verbs
  • Social Studies - Chapter 11 - Neighbors are Alike & Different
  • Test prep - activity sheet 63 & 64
  • Math - Lesson 20D
  • Reading

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012


  • Math- sheet 20D
  • Social Studies - Chapter checkup (missed 0) and Unit 4 Test (missed 0)
  • Test Prep - Activity sheet 62 
  • Grammar - finished up adjectives that compare
  • Reading - 30 minutes


  • Math - wrote numbers out skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s - also simple subtraction - also did lesson 20B from Math U See
  • LA - review ending marks
  • Reading - 20 mins

Saturday, February 25, 2012


  • LA - Continuing work on ending sentences with correct punctuation
  • Math - still working on combining numbers and simple subtraction
  • Bible - Self Test 1 in unit 6


  • Test prep - activity sheet 61
  • Grammar - Adjectives that compare
  • Math- sheet 20C
  • Social Studies - Using a map of the world

Friday, February 24, 2012


  • Math - working on putting 10s and 1s together to make complete number (review adding and subtracting)
  • LA - adding periods, question marks and exclamation marks at end of sentences
  • Reading - 20 minutes
  • Bible - Gods promises kept (unit 6)


  • Grammar - Adjectives that compare
  • Math - next lesson in 20
  • Social Studies -  Chapter 10 - people solve problems together
  • Test Prep - Practice Test 15
  • Reading - 30 minutes

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

  • Grammar - finishing lesson on possessive nouns (missed 1)
  • Test Prep booklet - activity sheet 59 & 60
  • Math - starting lesson 20 (finishing multiplying by 8)
  • Social Studies - Reading a map of North America & finding places in North America
  • Reading - 30 minutes
  • Language Arts - Adverbs
  • Science - Planet review & coloring sheet


  • Math - number families & working on lesson 20 (watched lesson 20 on MathUSee)
  • Language Arts - Periods at end of sentence
  • Science - Planet review and coloring sheet


  • Math - writing numbers and recognizing numbers

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


  • Math - we worked on 2 different types of math curriculum today to see which one she liked more than mathusee since we can't seem to get past what we are doing.  We did a math lesson from Lifepac and one from Horizon.  Not sure which one we will choose at this point. 
  • Language Arts - Capitalizing nouns still
  • Bible - talked about choosing Joy - Jesus, Others, You and Psalm 118:22
  • Reading - 20 minutes in Junie B Jones
  • Math - did lesson 19F cumulative review along with lessons from LifePac and Horizons for her to check out
  • Grammar - possessives and reviewing verbs and adverbs, nouns and adjectives
  • Test Prep - activity sheet 57 & 58
  • Social Studies - Leaders and Laws - Frederick Douglas
  • Reading - 30 minutes in Say Cheese by Patricia Reilly Giff

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


  • Math - work on addition and subtraction through 10 again
  • Language Arts -  Capitalizing Months and days
  • Reading - Junie B Jones (20 mins)


  • Social Studies - Begin Chapter 9 Leaders & Laws 
  • Test Prep - Practice Test 14 - missed 0
  • Grammar - start work on possessives
  • Math - lesson 19E on multiplying 8 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012 - President's Day

Today is President's Day so we spent a lot of time on discussing presidents and going over Washington and Lincoln.  Did coloring pages and then a small writing assignment of "If I Were the President..."

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012


  • Math - Lesson 19 test - scored 100!
  • Grammar - Adverb review
  • Social Studies - Chapter 8 Rules and Laws for Everyone - Chapter Review missed 0
  • Test Prep book - activity sheet 55 and 56
  • Reading - 30 minutes
  • Reading Comprehension - President's Day - missed 0!


  • Math - still working on subtracting and adding by 1
  • Phonics - trigraph dge
  • Language arts - capitalizing places
  • Language lessons - read aloud The Black Crow